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Estimators of historical ships track
Code for the Raspberry Seaglide
PyNEMO: a Python based regional NEMO model configuration toolbox.
Work done on replicating and/or improving the Okta method of estimating incoming solar radiation based on Dobson and Smith and Aleksandrova et al
Tidal analysis and prediction in Matlab
Tide Gauge Quality Control
MATLAB scripts for processing CTD and underway data and integrating with water sample data and other data sources (e.g. ADCP). Calls MATLAB scripts/functions in MEXEC/mexec project, and works with shell scripts in MEXEC/mexec-exec project.
Shell scripts for use with the MEXEC software used on cruises
shell scripts used for processing (hydrographic) data at sea
MATLAB scripts and functions underlying/called by those in MEXEC/mexec_processing_scripts project. These principally operate on mstar netcdf format files and mstar history files, as well as reading SBE, SCS, TECHSAS and other data files.
Module to apply corrections to metadata from marine meteorological datasets
Module to apply corrections to metadata from marine meteorological datasets
Medusa additions to NEMO4.2.x. The main NEMO repository is included as a sub-module with this repository containing only the additions and changes needed to add MEDUSA as an optional BGCM