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Collection of R-scripts to homogenise platform identifier information and to identify duplicate observations in the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) marine data source.
Documentation and scripts produced during the IMFe Pilot sprint
Tide Gauge Quality Control
A service to sync user into bodc from an oauth2 providor
(New) Deployments/Platforms Tracker for embedding on NOC homepage
this is a toy repo, used for showcasing and learning about gitflow
Code for the Raspberry Seaglide
MATLAB scripts and functions underlying/called by those in MEXEC/mexec_processing_scripts project. These principally operate on mstar netcdf format files and mstar history files, as well as reading SBE, SCS, TECHSAS and other data files.
Medusa additions to NEMO4.2.x. The main NEMO repository is included as a sub-module with this repository containing only the additions and changes needed to add MEDUSA as an optional BGCM
shell scripts used for processing (hydrographic) data at sea
Code to map a data model to C3S CDS Common Data Model
Work done on replicating and/or improving the Okta method of estimating incoming solar radiation based on Dobson and Smith and Aleksandrova et al
Information and tools for setting up the MARS gliders website virtual machine
Gherkin feature definitions and fixtures to run against all language ports of the adapter.