Commit 822e638a authored by Joseph Siddons's avatar Joseph Siddons
Browse files

test: Test wrapping at -180, 180 for rectangular query

parent 1404d879
import random
import unittest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
......@@ -27,6 +28,50 @@ class TestRect(unittest.TestCase):
res = list(map(rect.contains, points))
assert res == expected
def test_intersection(self):
d = datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0)
dt = timedelta(days=14)
rect = Rectangle(10, 5, d, 20, 10, dt)
test_rects: list[Rectangle] = [
Rectangle(10, 5, d + timedelta(days=2), 18, 8, dt),
Rectangle(25, 5, d, 9, 12, timedelta(hours=7)),
15, 8, d - timedelta(hours=18), 12, 7, timedelta(hours=4)
Rectangle(15, 8, d + timedelta(days=25), 12, 7, dt),
expected = [True, False, True, False]
res = list(map(rect.intersects, test_rects))
assert res == expected
def test_wrap(self):
d = datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0)
dt = timedelta(days=14)
rect = Rectangle(170, 45, d, 180, 20, dt)
assert rect.east < 0
assert rect.west > 0
test_points: list[Record] = [
Record(-140, 40, d),
Record(0, 50, d),
Record(100, 45, d - timedelta(hours=2)),
Record(100, 45, d + timedelta(days=12)),
expected = [True, False, True, False]
res = list(map(rect.contains, test_points))
assert res == expected
test_rect = Rectangle(
-100, 40, d + timedelta(days=3), 80, 40, timedelta(days=2)
assert test_rect.east < rect.west
assert rect.intersects(test_rect)
# TEST: spatially match, time fail
test_rect = Rectangle(
-100, 40, d + timedelta(days=13), 80, 40, timedelta(days=2)
assert not rect.intersects(test_rect)
class TestOctTree(unittest.TestCase):
def test_divides(self):
......@@ -130,6 +175,36 @@ class TestOctTree(unittest.TestCase):
assert res == expected
def test_wrap_query(self):
N = 100
d = datetime(2023, 3, 24, 12, 0)
dt = timedelta(days=10)
boundary = Rectangle(0, 0, d, 360, 180, dt)
ot = OctTree(boundary, capacity=3)
quert_rect = Rectangle(
170, 45, d + timedelta(days=4), 60, 10, timedelta(days=8)
points_want: list[Record] = [
Record(175, 43, d + timedelta(days=2)),
Record(-172, 49, d + timedelta(days=4)),
points: list[Record] = [
random.choice(range(-150, 130)),
random.choice(range(-90, 91)),
d + timedelta(hours=random.choice(range(-120, 120))),
for _ in range(N)
for p in points:
res = ot.query(quert_rect)
assert len(res) == len(points_want)
assert all([p in res for p in points_want])
def test_ellipse_query(self):
d1 = haversine(0, 2.5, 1, 2.5)
d2 = haversine(0, 2.5, 0, 3.0)
from math import pi
import random
import unittest
from GeoSpatialTools import haversine
from GeoSpatialTools.quadtree import QuadTree, Record, Rectangle, Ellipse
......@@ -29,6 +30,23 @@ class TestRect(unittest.TestCase):
res = list(map(rect.intersects, test_rects))
assert res == expected
def test_wrap(self):
rect = Rectangle(170, 45, 180, 20)
assert rect.east < 0
assert rect.west > 0
test_points: list[Record] = [
Record(-140, 40),
Record(0, 50),
Record(100, 45),
expected = [True, False, True]
res = list(map(rect.contains, test_points))
assert res == expected
test_rect = Rectangle(-100, 40, 80, 40)
assert test_rect.east < rect.west
assert rect.intersects(test_rect)
class TestQuadTree(unittest.TestCase):
def test_divides(self):
......@@ -98,6 +116,31 @@ class TestQuadTree(unittest.TestCase):
assert res == expected
def test_wrap_query(self):
N = 100
qt_boundary = Rectangle(0, 0, 360, 180)
qt = QuadTree(qt_boundary, capacity=3)
quert_rect = Rectangle(170, 45, 60, 10)
points_want: list[Record] = [
Record(175, 43),
Record(-172, 49),
points: list[Record] = [
random.choice(range(-150, 130)),
random.choice(range(-90, 91)),
for _ in range(N)
for p in points:
res = qt.query(quert_rect)
assert len(res) == len(points_want)
assert all([p in res for p in points_want])
def test_ellipse_query(self):
d1 = haversine(0, 2.5, 1, 2.5)
d2 = haversine(0, 2.5, 0, 3.0)
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