Commit ec6e57c5 authored by Joseph Siddons's avatar Joseph Siddons
Browse files

docs(1d_neighbours): Add documentation for single value case

parent 023ffa3e
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def find_nearest(
List of values - this is the pool of values for which we are looking
for a nearest match. This list MUST be sorted. Sortedness is not
checked, nor is the list sorted.
test : list[Numeric]
test : list[Numeric] | Numeric
List of query values
check_sorted : bool
Optionally check that the input vals is sorted. Raises an error if set
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def find_nearest(
A list containing the index of the nearest neighbour in vals for each value
in test.
in test. Or the index of the nearest neighbour if test is a single value.
if check_sorted:
s = _check_sorted(vals)
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