mplxyed.m 7.87 KB
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function pdfot = mplxyed(varargin)

% function mplxyed
% use:
% mplxyed
% or
% mplxyed(pdf) if you already have a pdf to describe the initial plot
% I haven't yet worked out the syntax to enable the pdf to be offered as
% the first response form the keyboard, but the pdf is correctly pulled in as the first element
% not much help yet, I'm afraid
% the plot appearance is controlled by pdfs in much the same way as
% for mplotxy; for the data selection and edit prompts, read the prompt and
% good luck !
% An edit file of the form mplxyed_yyyymmdd_HHMMSS_dataname records any
% edits. The name of this file is included in the history file for the
% dataname.


MEXEC_A.Mprog = 'mplxyed';
if ~MEXEC_G.quiet; m_proghd; end

global hplot x1 x2 r1 r2 c1 c2 % hplot is a structure used to pass information between the subroutines
% x1 and x2 are the startdc and stopdc in m_edplot
hplot = [];

m = 'Type pdf for initial plot; Type c/r for none: ';
if length(MEXEC_A.MARGS_IN_LOCAL) > 0
    if ~isstruct(MEXEC_A.MARGS_IN_LOCAL{1});
        pdfin = [];
        % pull the first argument assuming it is a pdf
        pdfin = m_getinput(m,'v');
    pdfin = [];

if ~isstruct(pdfin); pdfin = []; end

% MEXEC_A.MARGS_IN_LOCAL(1:length(varargin)) = [];
if isstruct(pdfin)
    if nargin == 2 = varargin{2};
pdfot = m_edplot(pdfin); % this also checks we have a valid mstar file

% BAK on JC032: suggestion from lmm to have an option to return to inital
% or earlier pdfs
pdfsave{1} = pdfot;

% record info about input file so we have it for the history file
h = m_read_header(pdfot.ncfile);
hist = h;
hist.filename =;
MEXEC_A.Mhistory_in{1} = hist;

m = 'Type the number of the variable you wish to edit from the list below ';

h = m_read_header(;
ynumlist = m_getvlist(pdfot.ylist,h);
for k = 1:length(hplot)
    m1 = [sprintf('%3d ',k) h.fldnam{ynumlist(k)}];
m = sprintf('%s',': ');
varedstr = m_getinput(m,'s');
eval(['vared = ' varedstr ';']);
% yname = h.fldnam{ynumlist(vared)};
yname = pdfot.ylist;
xname = pdfot.xlist;

% for ky = vared%1:length(hplot)
%     % save original data in normalised plot coordinates
%     ydo{ky} = get(hplot(ky),'ydata'); 
%     xdo{ky} = get(hplot(ky),'xdata');
% end
xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata');

kedit = 0;
ok = 0;
while ok == 0
    m = 'which action ? ';
    m1 = 's : select data cycles';
    m2 = 'w : plot with selected data cycles removed';
    m3 = 'o : plot with original data';
    m4 = 'a : zoom but make ''auto'' tick values ';
    m5 = 'z : zoom to exact area chosen with cursor';
    m6 = 'l : list selected data';
    m7 = 'e : edit selected data to NaN';
    m8 = 'q : quit';
    m9 = 'r : refresh';
    m10 = 'f : replot with first pdf'; % bak on jc032 insert new option
    m11 = 'b : go back to previous pdf'; % bak on jc032 new option
    fprintf(MEXEC_A.Mfidterm,'%s\n',m,m1,m6,m2,m3,m4,m5,m10,m11,m7,m9,m8); % bak on jc032 inster new option
    var = m_getinput(' ','s');

    switch var
        case 'l'
            % list
        case 's'
            kfind = m_edfinddc(pdfot);
            m = [sprintf('%d',length(kfind{vared})) ' data cycles selected'];
            fprintf(MEXEC_A.Mfidterm,'%s\n',m,' ');
        case 'w'
%             for ky = 1:length(hplot)
%                 xd2 = xd{ky};
%                 yd2 = yd{ky};
%                 yd2(kfind{ky}) = nan;
%                 bad = isnan(xd2+yd2);
%                 xd2(bad) = [];
%                 yd2(bad) = [];
%                 set(hplot(ky),'xdata',xd2);
%                 set(hplot(ky),'ydata',yd2);
%             end
            xd2 = xdo;
            yd2 = ydo;
            yd2(kfind{vared}) = nan;
            bad = isnan(xd2+yd2);
            xd2(bad) = [];
            yd2(bad) = [];
        case 'o'
%             for ky = 1:length(hplot)
%                 set(hplot(ky),'xdata',xdo);
%                 set(hplot(ky),'ydata',ydo);
%             end
        case 'e'
            % edit
%             need to finish m_ededit to do housekeeping, nabs, version, lock file, etc
        case 'z'
            pdfot = m_edzoom(pdfot,'n');
            pdfsave = [pdfsave {pdfot}]; % bak jc032 save this view
            %             for ky = 1:length(hplot)
            %                 ydo = get(hplot(ky),'ydata');
            %                 xdo = get(hplot(ky),'xdata');
            %             end
            ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata');
            xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
        case 'a'
            pdfot = m_edzoom(pdfot,'y');
            pdfsave = [pdfsave {pdfot}]; % bak jc032 save this view
            ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata');
            xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
        case 'r'
            pdfot = m_edrefresh(pdfot);
            ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata'); % bak jc032 update xdo, ydo
            xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
        case 'f' % bak jc032 new option
            pdfot = m_edrefresh(pdfsave{1});
            pdfsave = [pdfsave {pdfot}]; % bak jc032 save this view
            ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata'); % bak jc032 update xdo, ydo
            xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
        case 'b' % bak jc032 new option
            if length(pdfsave) > 1 % don't go back if there is only one saved pdf
                pdfsave(end) = [];
                pdfot = m_edrefresh(pdfsave{end}); % bak jc032 new option
                ydo = get(hplot(vared),'ydata'); % bak jc032 update xdo, ydo
                xdo = get(hplot(vared),'xdata');
                m = 'No previous pdfs saved';
                fprintf(MEXEC_A.Mfider,'%s\n',' ',m,' ');
        case 'q'
            ok = 1; %quit
            disp('Option not recognised - please try again')

if kedit > 0
%     editing has been done
%     bak jc069 put more detailed information about source and output files in edit record file
%     hist contains the header of the input file, used to write the history
%     file
    mess_1 = ['in_file     : ' hist.filename];
    mess_2 = ['in_dataname : ' hist.dataname];
    mess_3 = ['in_version  : ' sprintf('%d',hist.version)];

    h = m_read_header(pdfot.ncfile);
    if ~MEXEC_G.quiet; m_print_header(h); end

    hist = h;
    hist.filename =;
    MEXEC_A.Mhistory_ot{1} = hist;
    motsave = MEXEC_A.MARGS_OT;
    % cludge MEXEC_A.MARGS_OT to use the write_history feature
    nowtime = datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMMSS');
    editfn = [mgetdir('M_CTD') '/mplxyed_' nowtime '_' h.dataname];
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
    % bak jc069 put more detailed information about source and output files in edit record file
    mess_4 = ['ot_file     : ' hist.filename];
    mess_5 = ['ot_dataname : ' hist.dataname];
    mess_6 = ['ot_version  : ' sprintf('%d',hist.version)];

    fid = fopen(editfn,'w');
    MEXEC_A.MARGS_OT = {'edit variable' vnam [sprintf('%d',length(kedits)) ' data cycles'] 'recorded in file' editfn};
    MEXEC_A.MARGS_OT = motsave;

%unfinished: what we could do with is a program that would take the list of
%data cycles from editfn and re-edit the data file to set precisely those data cycles
%to nan. Then the faked write_history could generate a script to repeat the
%data edit from the list of data cycles without having to select. At the moment this
%effect could be faked with some dort of mask form an existing 'clean'
