Commit 23431f43 authored by PStar User Account's avatar PStar User Account
Browse files

link to public drive

 Committer: PStar User Account <pstar@>

 On branch dy113
 Changes to be committed:

	modified:   cruisedir_setup_scripts/conf_script_dy113
parent 70f5e805
......@@ -8,19 +8,6 @@ set cruiseloc = '/local/users/pstar' #this is the directory where your cruise pr
set cruise = 'dy113'
set CRUISE = 'DY113'
#underway system and ship data remote mount points
#on jcr
###set usys = 'scs'
###set shipudr = '/mnt/data/cruise/jcr/current/scs/Compress'
###set shipcdr = '/mnt/data/cruise/jcr/current/ctd/$CRUISE'
###set shipvdr = '/mnt/data/cruise/jcr/current/adcp'
###set shipldr = '/mnt/data/cruise/jcr/current/ladcp'
###set isladcp = 1
#on cook/disco
set usys = 'techsas'
set shipudr = '/mnt/techsas/$CRUISE/NetCDF'
set shipcdr = '/mnt/CTD'
####### now actually set things up #######
#shouldn't need to change anything below this
......@@ -83,4 +70,5 @@ ln -s netcdf_files_rawdir_ship netcdf_files_rawdir
mkdir netcdf_files_rawdir_local
mkdir techsas_link_logs
cd ..
ln -s /local/users/pstar/mounts/public public
#other directories (for processed underway data) are generated by running m_setup
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