Commit da2f61d1 authored by PStar User Account's avatar PStar User Account
Browse files

dotcshrc and dotlogin to reflect mexec-exec

parent 0ba0a382
# This script executed at the start of each cshell
setenv TZ GMT
umask 022
set noclobber
......@@ -10,29 +11,17 @@ alias mv 'mv -i'
alias cp 'cp -i'
alias h history
# The next line should work on all of nosea1, nosea2, rapid.
# $dhome is the directory that contains directory 'data' for the cruise.
# The easiest thing is to use a symbolic link frmo 'cruise' to a named cruise directory
# eg cd /local/users/pstar; ln -s di344 cruise
# $shome contains software. It may take the same value as $dhome
set dhome = /local/users/pstar/cruise # BAK 5 Aug 2009 at NOC preparing for di344/345/346 & jr195
set shome = /local/users/pstar/cruise # BAK 5 Aug 2009 at NOC preparing for di344/345/346 & jr195
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec/jcr $path)
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec/commands $path)
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec $path)
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean) then
set path = ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean "$path"`
#add to the search path for shell commands
set shome = /local/users/pstar/programs/mexec-exec
#set path = (. $shome/jcr $path)
set path = ($shome/commands $path)
set path = ($shome/ $path)
#set path = ($shome/rapid $path)
# Put current directory at the head of the path
set path = (. $path)
set dhome = /local/users/pstar/cruise
if (! $?cdpath )set cdpath
set cdpath = (. $dhome/data $dhome $cdpath)
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean) then
set cdpath = ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean "$cdpath"`
alias eta ssh cook3 eta
alias etanext ssh cook3 etanext
set prompt="$user@`hostname` %/ > "
set myhost = `hostname`
# bak jc069
#setenv PRINTER jc069_53
#setenv PRINTER _192_168_62_53
#setenv PRINTER cook_lab # lpd:// hp 2605 color laser jc069 with driver HP Color LaserJet Series PCL 6 CUPS
# bak jr281
# setenv PRINTER hp4550 # color printer in JCR data prep lab
# setenv PRINTER data_prep_bw # This is set as default on nosea2 on jr281; firefox:
# setenv PRINTER data_prep_colour # alternative on jr281;; HP Color LaserJet Series PCL 6 CUPS; 600 dpi
# Clean up by DAS September 2018
# Almsot all in .cshrc not sure need anything here
setenv TZ GMT
umask 022
set noclobber
limit coredumpsize 0
alias lr 'ls -lrtd'
alias rm 'rm -i'
alias mv 'mv -i'
alias cp 'cp -i'
alias h history
alias eta ssh cook3 eta
alias etanext ssh cook3 etanext
if ($myhost == 'nosea1') then
setup v2007b matlab # current version Aug 2009
if ($myhost == 'nosea2') then
# setup v2007b matlab # current version Aug 2009
setup v2009a matlab # current version Mar 2013
if ($myhost == 'rapid') then
setup v2007a matlab # current version Aug 2009
if ($myhost == 'nomore') then
setup v2007b matlab # current version Oct 2009
if ($myhost == 'oceanus') then
setup v2009a matlab # current version august 2011
#set phome = /noc/users/pstar
#set phome = /data32/cruise/pstar
# The next line should work on all of nosea1, nosea2, rapid.
# $dhome is the directory that contains directory 'data' for the cruise.
# The easiest thing is to use a symbolic link frmo 'cruise' to a named cruise directory
# eg cd /local/users/pstar; ln -s di344 cruise
# $shome contains software. It may take the same value as $dhome
set dhome = /local/users/pstar/cruise # BAK 5 Aug 2009 at NOC preparing for di344/345/346 & jr195
set shome = /local/users/pstar/cruise # BAK 5 Aug 2009 at NOC preparing for di344/345/346 & jr195
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec/jcr $path)
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec/commands $path)
set path = (. $dhome/data/exec $path)
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean) then
set path = ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean "$path"`
set path = (. $shome/sw/ladcp/ix/geomag $path) # path to ix geomag added by bak on jr281 april 2013
set path = (. $shome/sw/uh_adcp/programs/codas3/bin/lnx64 $path)
set path = (. $shome/sw/uh_adcp/programs/pycurrents/adcp $path)
set path = (. $shome/sw/uh_adcp/programs/pycurrents/data/nmea $path)
set path = (. $shome/sw/python $path)
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean) then
set path = ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean "$path"`
if (! $?cdpath )set cdpath
set cdpath = (. $dhome/data $dhome $cdpath)
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean) then
set cdpath = ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/varclean "$cdpath"`
setenv PYTHONPATH $shome/sw/uh_adcp/programs:$PYTHONPATH
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/envclean) then
setenv PYTHONPATH ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/envclean "$PYTHONPATH"`
# Original line by bak to use mexec stuff in /noc/users/pstar
# setenv MATLABPATH ~pstar/data/exec/matlab_startup:$MATLABPATH
# Shipboard version has mexec stuff in /data32 so use that instead
if (-e $dhome/data/mexec_processing_scripts) then
setenv MATLABPATH $dhome/data/mexec_processing_scripts:$MATLABPATH
if ( -e $shome/sw/m_map) then
setenv MATLABPATH $shome/sw/m_map:$MATLABPATH
if (-e $dhome/data/exec/commands/envclean) then
setenv MATLABPATH ` tcsh -f $dhome/data/exec/commands/envclean "$MATLABPATH"`
# This script executed on each login - will be after .cshrc
# Load modules - these will be put at front of path
# #module load matlab/2015b
module load matlab/2011a
#module load anaconda2
......@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ cd general_sw
foreach d1 (`ls $mexecloc/general_sw`)
ln -s $mexecloc/general_sw/$d1 $d1
cd ../..
echo "edit linkscripts and possibly other files in mexec-exec"
echo "edit m_setup.m to change data time origin, cruise name"
echo "and possibly some paths e.g. versions of external software packages"
#set up rest of data directory structure
cd data
mkdir -p mexec_housekeeping/version
mkdir mexec_housekeeping/history
mkdir -p collected_files/figures
......@@ -86,7 +88,6 @@ mkdir -p vmadcp/spprocessing
#mkdir scs_mat
#echo "run sedexec_startall once $shipudr available"
mkdir -p techsas/netcdf_files_links
mkdir -p techsas/netcdf_files_copy
cd techsas
ln -s /local/users/pstar/mounts/techsas netcdf_files_rawdir_ship
ln -s netcdf_files_rawdir_ship netcdf_files_rawdir
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