1. 17 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • PStar User Account's avatar
      allow calibrations to be passed through uhdas_03 to quick_adcp.py · fbda5ad0
      PStar User Account authored
       Committer: PStar User Account <pstar@>
       On branch dy113
       Changes to be committed:
         (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      	modified:   cruisedir_setup_scripts/conf_script_dy113
      	modified:   ctd_linkscript
      	modified:   lad_linkscript_ix
      	modified:   mexec_cruise_backup
      	modified:   modsal_unix
      	modified:   uhdas_00_linkmerge
      	modified:   uhdas_01_syncraw
      	modified:   uhdas_02_sync_postprocessing_from_raw
      	modified:   uhdas_03_copy_asclog_for_editing
  2. 30 Jan, 2020 2 commits
    • PStar User Account's avatar
      cleanup to start dy113 (changed this directory name to mexec_exec, and · 70f5e805
      PStar User Account authored
      removed _v3 suffix from others; added backing up mexec_processing_scripts)
       Committer: PStar User Account <pstar@>
       On branch dy113
       Changes to be committed:
      	modified:   commands/mstar_dotcshrc
      	new file:   cruisedir_setup_scripts/conf_script_dy113
      	modified:   ctd_linkscript
      	modified:   mexec_cruise_backup
      	deleted:    techsas_linkscript_test
      	deleted:    uhdas_01_syncraw2
    • PStar User Account's avatar
      post dy111 and dy112, although not sure dy111 used mexec at all · 06045647
      PStar User Account authored
       Committer: PStar User Account <pstar@>
       On branch dy111
       Changes to be committed:
         (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      	new file:   #uhdas_01_syncraw_2freq#
              new file:   .#uhdas_01_syncraw_2freq
      	new file:   cruisedir_setup_scripts/conf_script_dy112
      	modified:   ctd_linkscript
      	new file:   techsas_linkscript_test
      	new file:   uhdas_01_syncraw2
      	new file:   uhdas_01_syncraw2~
      	new file:   uhdas_01_syncraw_2freq~
  3. 24 Sep, 2019 1 commit