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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Nov326Aug26Feb1730Jan11Nov630Oct1130Sep2724add conf_scriptdy120dy120edit ctd and technsas linkscriptedit backup scriptsrm aliases to uhdas scriptChanges made during JC192jc192jc192Commit by BAK towards end of jc191 26 Feb 2020allow calibrations to be passed through uhdas_03 to quick_adcp.pydy113dy113link to public drivecleanup to start dy113 (changed this directory name to mexec_exec, andcleanuppost dy111 and dy112, although not sure dy111 used mexec at allRAPID backup scriptsjc191jc191DAS added scripts to sync workstations and backup rapid datamastermasteradded jc184 conf scriptdocumentation for uhdas scripts, added mexec-exec to backup scriptdy111dy111jc191dotcshrc and dotlogin to reflect mexec-execconf_script_dy111 reflects change to uhdas and moving templates toput conf scripts here, removed old vmadcp (vmdas) scripts, some other reorganisationUpdate README.mddy105 version (original was jr18002), adds uhdas related scriptsMerge branch 'master' of exec on gitlabInitial commit