Commit 2f950bf2 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

added get_strs function to calculate ustr, tstr, qstr

parent 0370b804
...@@ -697,10 +697,10 @@ def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, tv10n, qair, h_in, T, Ta, th, tv, sst, ...@@ -697,10 +697,10 @@ def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, tv10n, qair, h_in, T, Ta, th, tv, sst,
Returns Returns
------- -------
tsrv : TYPE tsrv : float
DESCRIPTION. virtual star temperature (K)
monob : TYPE monob : float
DESCRIPTION. M-O length (m)
""" """
g = gc(lat) g = gc(lat)
...@@ -791,6 +791,117 @@ def get_hum(hum, T, sst, P, qmeth): ...@@ -791,6 +791,117 @@ def get_hum(hum, T, sst, P, qmeth):
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_strs(h_in, monob, wind, zo, zot, zoq, dt, dq, dter, dqer, ct, cq,
cskin, meth):
calculates star wind speed, temperature and specific humidity
h_in : float
sensor heights (m)
monob : float
M-O length (m)
wind : float
wind speed (m/s)
zo : float
momentum roughness length (m)
zot : float
temperature roughness length (m)
zoq : float
moisture roughness length (m)
dt : float
temperature difference (K)
dq : float
specific humidity difference (g/kg)
dter : float
cskin temperature adjustment (K)
dqer : float
cskin q adjustment (q/kg)
ct : float
temperature exchange coefficient
cq : float
moisture exchange coefficient
cskin : int
cool skin adjustment switch
meth : str
bulk parameterisation method option: "S80", "S88", "LP82", "YT96", "UA",
"LY04", "C30", "C35", "C40", "ERA5"
usr : float
friction wind speed (m/s)
tsr : float
star temperature (K)
qsr : float
star specific humidity (g/kg)
if (meth == "UA"):
usr = np.where(h_in[0]/monob < -1.574, kappa*wind /
(np.log(-1.574*monob/zo)-psim_calc(-1.574, meth) +
psim_calc(zo/monob, meth) +
1.14*(np.power(-h_in[0]/monob, 1/3) -
np.power(1.574, 1/3))),
np.where((h_in[0]/monob > -1.574) & (h_in[0]/monob < 0),
kappa*wind/(np.log(h_in[0]/zo) -
psim_calc(h_in[0]/monob, meth) +
psim_calc(zo/monob, meth)),
np.where((h_in[0]/monob > 0) &
(h_in[0]/monob < 1),
kappa*wind/(np.log(h_in[0]/zo) +
kappa*wind/(np.log(monob/zo)+5-5*zo/monob +
# Zeng et al. 1998 (7-10)
tsr = np.where(h_in[1]/monob < -0.465, kappa*(dt+dter*cskin) /
(np.log((-0.465*monob)/zot) -
psit_calc(-0.465, meth)+0.8*(np.power(0.465, -1/3) -
np.power(-h_in[1]/monob, -1/3))),
np.where((h_in[1]/monob > -0.465) & (h_in[1]/monob < 0),
kappa*(dt+dter*cskin)/(np.log(h_in[1]/zot) -
psit_calc(h_in[1]/monob, meth) +
psit_calc(zot/monob, meth)),
np.where((h_in[1]/monob > 0) & (h_in[1]/monob < 1),
kappa*(dt+dter*cskin)/(np.log(h_in[1]/zot) +
kappa*(dt+dter*cskin)/(np.log(monob/zot)+5 -
5*zot/monob+5*np.log(h_in[1]/monob) +
# Zeng et al. 1998 (11-14)
qsr = np.where(h_in[2]/monob < -0.465, kappa*(dq+dqer*cskin) /
(np.log((-0.465*monob)/zoq) -
psit_calc(-0.465, meth)+psit_calc(zoq/monob, meth) +
0.8*(np.power(0.465, -1/3) -
np.power(-h_in[2]/monob, -1/3))),
np.where((h_in[2]/monob > -0.465) & (h_in[2]/monob < 0),
kappa*(dq+dqer*cskin)/(np.log(h_in[1]/zot) -
psit_calc(h_in[2]/monob, meth) +
psit_calc(zoq/monob, meth)),
np.where((h_in[2]/monob > 0) &
kappa*(dq+dqer*cskin) /
(np.log(h_in[1]/zoq)+5*h_in[2]/monob -
(np.log(monob/zoq)+5-5*zoq/monob +
5*np.log(h_in[2]/monob) +
elif (meth == "C30" or meth == "C35" or meth == "C40"):
usr = (wind*kappa/(np.log(h_in[0]/zo)-psiu_26(h_in[0]/monob, meth)))
tsr = ((dt+dter*cskin)*(kappa/(np.log(h_in[1]/zot) -
qsr = ((dq+dqer*cskin)*(kappa/(np.log(h_in[2]/zoq) -
usr = (wind*kappa/(np.log(h_in[0]/zo)-psim_calc(h_in[0]/monob, meth)))
tsr = ct*wind*(dt+dter*cskin)/usr
qsr = cq*wind*(dq+dqer*cskin)/usr
return usr, tsr, qsr
def get_heights(h, dim_len): def get_heights(h, dim_len):
""" Reads input heights for velocity, temperature and humidity """ Reads input heights for velocity, temperature and humidity
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