Commit 360352b9 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

Update, files

parent 4b9ce53a
......@@ -406,7 +406,6 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, lat=None, hum=None, P=None, hin=18, hout=10,
zo = ref_ht/np.exp(kappa/np.sqrt(cd10n))
# adjust neutral cdn at any output height
cdn = np.power(kappa/np.log(hout/zo), 2)
# cd = np.power(kappa/(np.log(hout/zo)-psim), 2)
cd = cd_calc(cdn, h_out[0], h_out[0], psim)
# solve for zot, zoq from ct10n, cq10n
zot = ref_ht/(np.exp(kappa**2/(ct10n*np.log(ref_ht/zo))))
......@@ -414,8 +413,6 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, lat=None, hum=None, P=None, hin=18, hout=10,
# adjust neutral ctn, cqn at any output height
ctn =np.power(kappa, 2)/(np.log(h_out[0]/zo)*np.log(h_out[1]/zot))
cqn =np.power(kappa, 2)/(np.log(h_out[0]/zo)*np.log(h_out[2]/zoq))
# ct = np.power(kappa, 2)/((np.log(h_out[0]/zo)-psim)*(np.log(h_out[1]/zot)-psit))
# cq = np.power(kappa, 2)/((np.log(h_out[0]/zo)-psim)*(np.log(h_out[2]/zoq)-psiq))
ct, cq = ctcq_calc(cdn, cd, ctn, cqn, h_out[1], h_out[2], h_out[1],
psit, psiq)
uref = (spd-usr/kappa*(np.log(h_in[0]/h_out[0])-psim +
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def cd_calc(cdn, hin, hout, psim):
cdn : float
neutral drag coefficient
hin : float
wind speed height [m]
wind speed height [m]
hout : float
reference height [m]
psim : float
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