Commit 3b427114 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

added function get_hum

parent 4d78ffda
......@@ -646,6 +646,63 @@ def get_gust(beta, Ta, usr, tsrv, zi, lat):
def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, tv10n, qair, h_in, T, Ta, th, tv, sst,
dt, dq, wind, monob, meth):
calculates Monin-Obukhov length and virtual star temperature
L : int
Monin-Obukhov length definition options
0 : default for S80, S88, LP82, YT96 and LY04
1 : following UA (Zeng et al., 1998), default for UA
2 : following ERA5 (IFS Documentation cy46r1), default for ERA5
3 : COARE3.5 (Edson et al., 2013), default for C30, C35 and C40
lat : float
usr : float
friction wind speed (m/s)
tsr : float
star temperature (K)
qsr : float
star specific humidity (g/kg)
t10n : float
neutral temperature at 10m (K)
tv10n : float
neutral virtual temperature at 10m (K)
qair : float
air specific humidity (g/kg)
h_in : float
sensor heights (m)
T : float
air temperature (K)
Ta : float
air temperature (K)
th : float
potential temperature (K)
tv : float
virtual temperature (K)
sst : float
sea surface temperature (K)
dt : float
temperature difference (K)
dq : float
specific humidity difference (g/kg)
wind : float
wind speed (m/s)
monob : float
Monin-Obukhov length from previous iteration step (m)
meth : str
bulk parameterisation method option: "S80", "S88", "LP82", "YT96", "UA",
"LY04", "C30", "C35", "C40", "ERA5"
tsrv : TYPE
monob : TYPE
g = gc(lat)
if (L == 0):
tsrv = tsr+0.61*t10n*qsr
......@@ -673,7 +730,65 @@ def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, tv10n, qair, h_in, T, Ta, th, tv, sst,
np.power(usr, 2))
monob = h_in[0]/zol
return tsrv, monob
def get_hum(hum, T, sst, P, qmeth):
Get specific humidity output
hum : array
humidity input switch 2x1 [x, values] default is relative humidity
x='rh' : relative humidity in %
x='q' : specific humidity (g/kg)
x='Td' : dew point temperature (K)
T : float
air temperature in K
sst : float
sea surface temperature in K
P : float
air pressure at sea level in hPa
qmeth : str
method to calculate specific humidity from vapor pressure
qair : float
specific humidity of air
qsea : float
specific humidity over sea surface
if (hum == None):
RH = np.ones(sst.shape)*80
qsea = qsat_sea(sst, P, qmeth)/1000 # surface water q (g/kg)
qair = qsat_air(T, P, RH, qmeth)/1000 # q of air (g/kg)
elif (hum[0] not in ['rh', 'q', 'Td']):
print("unknown humidity input")
qair, qsea = np.nan, np.nan
elif (hum[0] == 'rh'):
RH = hum[1]
if (np.all(RH < 1)):
print("input relative humidity units should be \%")
qair, qsea = np.nan, np.nan
qsea = qsat_sea(sst, P, qmeth)/1000 # surface water q (g/kg)
qair = qsat_air(T, P, RH, qmeth)/1000 # q of air (g/kg)
elif (hum[0] == 'q'):
qair = hum[1]
qsea = qsat_sea(sst, P, qmeth)/1000 # surface water q (g/kg)
elif (hum[0] == 'Td'):
Td = hum[1] # dew point temperature (K)
Td = np.where(Td < 200, np.copy(Td)+CtoK, np.copy(Td))
T = np.where(T < 200, np.copy(T)+CtoK, np.copy(T))
esd = 611.21*np.exp(17.502*((Td-273.16)/(Td-32.19)))
es = 611.21*np.exp(17.502*((T-273.16)/(T-32.19)))
RH = 100*esd/es
qair = qsat_air(T, P, RH, qmeth)/1000 # q of air (g/kg)
qsea = qsat_sea(sst, P, qmeth)/1000 # surface water q (g/kg)
return qair, qsea
def get_heights(h, dim_len):
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