Commit 419d0a27 authored by Richard Cornes's avatar Richard Cornes
Browse files

Simplified certain lines

parent d3c3b8ea
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class S88:
self.wl = wl
self.cskin = cskin = skin
self.Rs = np.ones(self.spd.shape)*np.nan if Rs is None else Rs
self.Rl = np.ones(self.spd.shape)*np.nan if Rl is None else Rl
self.Rs = np.full(self.spd.shape,np.nan) if Rs is None else Rs
self.Rl = np.full(self.spd.shape,np.nan) if Rl is None else Rl
def set_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl=0, cskin=0, skin="C35", Rl=None, Rs=None):
wl = 0 if wl is None else wl
......@@ -160,15 +160,14 @@ class S88:
# ------------
self.rho = self.P*100/(287.1*self.tv10n) = (2.501-0.00237*(self.SST-CtoK))*1e6 # J/kg
self.dter = np.full(self.T.shape, -0.3)*self.msk
self.tkt = np.full(self.T.shape, 0.001)*self.msk
dummy_array = lambda val : np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
self.dter, self.tkt, self.skt = [dummy_array(x) for x in (-0.3, 0.001, 0.3)]
self.dqer = self.dter*0.622**self.qsea/(287.1*np.power(self.SST, 2))
self.Rnl = 0.97*(self.Rl-5.67e-8*np.power(self.SST-0.3*self.cskin, 4))
self.Qs = 0.945*self.Rs
self.dtwl = np.full(self.T.shape,0.3)*self.msk
self.skt = np.copy(self.SST)
self.u10n = self.wind*np.log(10/1e-4)/np.log(self.hin[0]/1e-4)
self.usr = 0.035*self.u10n
......@@ -176,8 +175,7 @@ class S88: = cd_calc(self.cd10n, self.h_in[0], self.ref_ht, self.psim)
self.usr = np.sqrt(*np.power(self.wind, 2))
self.zo = np.full(self.arr_shp,1e-4)*self.msk
self.zot, self.zoq = np.copy(self.zo), np.copy(self.zo)
self.zo, self.zot, self.zoq = [np.full(self.arr_shp,1e-4)*self.msk for _ in range(3)]
self.ct10n = np.power(kappa, 2)/(np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo)*np.log(self.h_in[1]/self.zot))
self.cq10n = np.power(kappa, 2)/(np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo)*np.log(self.h_in[2]/self.zoq))
......@@ -210,14 +208,9 @@ class S88:
it = 0
# Setup empty arrays
self.itera = np.full(self.arr_shp,-1)*self.msk
self.tsrv = np.zeros(self.arr_shp)*self.msk
self.psim, self.psit, self.psiq = np.copy(self.tsrv), np.copy(self.tsrv), np.copy(self.tsrv)
self.tau = np.full(self.arr_shp,0.05)*self.msk
self.sensible = np.full(self.arr_shp,-5)*self.msk
self.latent = np.full(self.arr_shp,-65)*self.msk
self.tsrv, self.psim, self.psit, self.psiq = [np.zeros(self.arr_shp)*self.msk for _ in range(4)]
dummy_array = lambda val : np.full(self.arr_shp,val)*self.msk
self.itera, self.tau, self.sensible, self.latent = [dummy_array(x) for x in (-1,0.05,-5,-65)]
# Generate the first guess values
......@@ -239,7 +232,6 @@ class S88:'break %s at iteration %s cd10n<0', meth, it)
self.zo[ind] = self.ref_ht/np.exp(kappa/np.sqrt(self.cd10n[ind]))
#self.zo[ind] = self._zo_calc(self.ref_ht, self.cd10n[ind])
self.psim[ind] = psim_calc(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.monob[ind], self.meth)[ind] = cd_calc(self.cd10n[ind], self.h_in[0, ind], self.ref_ht, self.psim[ind])
......@@ -299,7 +291,7 @@ class S88:
self.utmp = np.copy(self.u10n)
self.utmp = np.where(self.utmp < 0, np.nan, self.utmp)
self.itera[ind] = np.ones(1)*it
self.itera[ind] = np.full(1,it)
self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)*(self.spd/self.wind)
self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
......@@ -429,13 +421,9 @@ class S88:
if (self.wl == 0): self.dtwl = np.zeros(self.T.shape)*self.msk # reset to zero if not used
# Do not calculate lhf if a measure of humidity is not input
# This gets filled into a pd dataframe and so no need to specify y dimension of array
if (self.hum[0] == 'no'):
self.latent = np.ones(self.SST.shape)*np.nan
self.qsr = np.copy(self.latent)
self.q10n = np.copy(self.latent)
self.qref = np.copy(self.latent)
self.qair = np.copy(self.latent)
self.rh = np.copy(self.latent)
self.latent, self.qsr, self.q10n, self.qref, self.qair, self.rh = np.empty(6)
# Set the final wind speed values
self.wind_spd = np.sqrt(np.power(self.wind, 2)-np.power(self.spd, 2))
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