Commit 4d78ffda authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

added get_L function in

parent 48a8e712
...@@ -644,6 +644,38 @@ def get_gust(beta, Ta, usr, tsrv, zi, lat): ...@@ -644,6 +644,38 @@ def get_gust(beta, Ta, usr, tsrv, zi, lat):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, tv10n, qair, h_in, T, Ta, th, tv, sst,
dt, dq, wind, monob, meth):
g = gc(lat)
if (L == 0):
tsrv = tsr+0.61*t10n*qsr
monob = ((tv10n*np.power(usr, 2))/(g*kappa*tsrv))
monob = np.where(np.fabs(monob) < 1, np.where(monob < 0, -1, 1), monob)
elif (L == 1):
tsrv = tsr*(1.+0.61*qair)+0.61*th*qsr
monob = ((tv*np.power(usr, 2))/(kappa*g*tsrv))
elif (L == 2):
tsrv = tsr+0.61*t10n*qsr
Rb = ((g*h_in[0]*((2*dt)/(Ta+sst-g*h_in[0])+0.61*dq)) /
np.power(wind, 2))
zo = (0.11*visc_air(Ta)/usr+0.018*np.power(usr, 2)/g)
zot = 0.40*visc_air(Ta)/usr
zol = (Rb*(np.power(np.log((h_in[0]+zo)/zo)-psim_calc((h_in[0]+zo) /
monob, meth) +
psim_calc(zo/monob, meth), 2) /
(np.log((h_in[0]+zo)/zot) -
psit_calc((h_in[0]+zo)/monob, meth) +
psit_calc(zot/monob, meth))))
monob = h_in[0]/zol
elif (L == 3):
tsrv = tsr+0.61*(T+CtoK)*qsr
zol = (kappa*g*h_in[0]/(T+CtoK)*(tsr+0.61*(T+CtoK)*qsr) /
np.power(usr, 2))
monob = h_in[0]/zol
return tsrv, monob
def get_heights(h, dim_len): def get_heights(h, dim_len):
""" Reads input heights for velocity, temperature and humidity """ Reads input heights for velocity, temperature and humidity
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