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parent 1d31627a
......@@ -15,22 +15,16 @@ class S88:
self.tsrv[ind], self.gust[2],
self.grav[ind]), 2))
# ratio of gusty to horizontal wind
self.tsrv[ind], self.gust[2],
self.grav[ind]), 2))
# ratio of gusty to horizontal wind
self.GustFact[ind] = self.wind[ind]/self.spd[ind]
# if we update wind, also need to update u10n
# remove effect of gustiness following Fairall et al. (2003)
# usr is divided by (GustFact)^0.5
self.u10n[ind] = self.wind[ind]-self.usr[ind]/kappa/np.sqrt(
self.GustFact[ind])*(np.log(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.ref10) -
# temporary as in C35
# self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa/self.GustFact[ind]*np.log(
# self.ref10/self.zo[ind])
# temporary as in UA
# self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa/np.log(
# self.ref10/self.zo[ind])
if self.gust[0] == 2:
self.GustFact[ind] = 1
# option to not remove GustFact
......@@ -47,12 +41,7 @@ class S88:
# initalisation of wind
self.wind[ind] = np.copy(self.spd[ind])
self.u10n[ind] = self.wind[ind]-self.usr[ind]/kappa*(
np.log(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psim[ind])
# temporary to check feed into iteration loop
# print('Mean GF: {} | Du {} | u10n {}'.format(
# np.nanmean(self.GustFact), np.nanmean(self.spd-self.wind),
# np.nanmean(self.u10n)))
np.log(self.h_in[0, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psim[ind])
def get_heights(self, hin, hout=10):
self.hout = hout
......@@ -61,6 +50,7 @@ class S88:
self.h_out = get_heights(self.hout, 1)
def get_specHumidity(self, qmeth="Buck2"):
# input qair, qsea directly
self.qair, self.qsea = get_hum(self.hum, self.T, self.SST, self.P,
if (np.all(np.isnan(self.qsea)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.qair))):
......@@ -83,7 +73,7 @@ class S88:
if ((cskin == 1 or wl == 1) and
(np.all(Rl == None) or np.all(np.isnan(Rl))) and
((np.all(Rs == None) or np.all(np.isnan(Rs))))):
((np.all(Rs == None) or np.all(np.isnan(Rs))))):
print("Cool skin/warm layer is switched ON; "
"Radiation input should not be empty")
......@@ -93,7 +83,6 @@ class S88: = skin
self.Rs = np.full(self.spd.shape, np.nan) if Rs is None else Rs
self.Rl = np.full(self.spd.shape, np.nan) if Rl is None else Rl
# print(self.meth, self.cskin,, self.wl)
def set_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl=0, cskin=0, skin=None, Rl=None,
......@@ -102,7 +91,6 @@ class S88: = "C35"
self._fix_coolskin_warmlayer(wl, cskin, skin, Rl, Rs)
def _update_coolskin_warmlayer(self, ind):
if self.cskin == 1:
if == "C35":
......@@ -142,7 +130,7 @@ class S88:
self.tkt[ind] = np.zeros(self.SST[ind].shape)
def _first_guess(self):
# reference height1
# reference height
self.ref10 = 10
# first guesses
......@@ -155,20 +143,20 @@ class S88: = self.dt_in*(1+0.6077*self.qair)+0.6077*self.theta*self.dq_in
# Set the wind array
# self.wind = np.maximum(np.copy(self.spd), 3)
self.wind = np.sqrt(np.power(np.copy(self.spd), 2)+0.25)
self.GustFact = self.wind*0+1
# Rb eq. 11 Grachev & Fairall 1997, use air temp height
# use adjust wind to T-height?
Rb = self.grav*self.h_in[1]**np.power(self.wind, 2))
self.monob = self.h_in[1]/12.0/Rb # eq. 12 Grachev & Fairall 1997 # DO.THIS
# eq. 12 Grachev & Fairall 1997 # DO.THIS
self.monob = self.h_in[1]/12.0/Rb
# where does 12.0 come from??
# ------------
# dummy_array = lambda val : np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
def dummy_array(val): return np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
dummy_array = lambda val : np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
# def dummy_array(val): return np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
if self.cskin + self.wl > 0:
self.dter, self.tkt, self.dtwl = [
dummy_array(x) for x in (-0.3, 0.001, 0.3)]
......@@ -191,12 +179,12 @@ class S88:
self.u10n, self.usr, self.theta, self.grav, self.meth)
self.psim = psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth) = cd_calc(self.cd10n, self.h_in[0], self.ref10, self.psim)
self.usr = np.sqrt(*np.power(self.wind, 2))
self.usr =np.sqrt(*np.power(self.wind, 2))
self.zot, self.zoq, self.tsr, self.qsr = [
np.empty(self.arr_shp)*self.msk for _ in range(4)]
self.ct10n, self.cq10n, self.ct, self.cq = [
np.empty(self.arr_shp)*self.msk for _ in range(4)]
self.tv10n = self.zot # remove from output
self.tv10n = self.zot
def iterate(self, maxiter=10, tol=None):
if maxiter < 5:
......@@ -231,7 +219,7 @@ class S88:
np.zeros(self.arr_shp)*self.msk for _ in range(4)]
# extreme values for first comparison
dummy_array = lambda val: np.full(self.arr_shp, val)*self.msk
def dummy_array(val): return np.full(self.arr_shp, val)*self.msk
# you can use def instead of lambda
# def dummy_array(val): return np.full(self.arr_shp, val)*self.msk
self.itera, self.tau, self.sensible, self.latent = [
......@@ -257,7 +245,6 @@ class S88:'break %s at iteration %s cd10n<0', meth, it)
self.psim[ind] = psim_calc(
self.h_in[0, ind]/self.monob[ind], self.meth)[ind] = cd_calc(
......@@ -281,7 +268,6 @@ class S88:
# Update the wind values
# temperature
self.ct10n[ind], self.zot[ind] = ctqn_calc(
"ct", self.h_in[1, ind]/self.monob[ind], self.cd10n[ind],
......@@ -291,7 +277,7 @@ class S88:
self.ct[ind] = ctq_calc(
self.cd10n[ind],[ind], self.ct10n[ind],
self.h_in[1, ind], self.ref10, self.psit[ind])
# wind
# humidity
self.cq10n[ind], self.zoq[ind] = ctqn_calc(
"cq", self.h_in[2, ind]/self.monob[ind], self.cd10n[ind],
self.usr[ind], self.zo[ind], self.theta[ind], self.meth)
......@@ -300,8 +286,7 @@ class S88:
self.cq[ind] = ctq_calc(
self.cd10n[ind],[ind], self.cq10n[ind],
self.h_in[2, ind], self.ref10, self.psiq[ind])
# Some parameterizations set a minimum on parameters
......@@ -338,7 +323,7 @@ class S88:
# well-mixed in potential temperature ...
self.t10n[ind] = self.theta[ind]-self.tlapse[ind]*self.ref10 - \
self.tsr[ind]/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[1, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psit[ind])
(np.log(self.h_in[1, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psit[ind])
self.q10n[ind] = self.qair[ind]-self.qsr[ind]/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[2, ind]/self.ref10)-self.psiq[ind])
......@@ -355,7 +340,7 @@ class S88:
self.monob[ind] = get_LRb(
self.Rb[ind], self.h_in[1,ind], self.monob[ind],
self.Rb[ind], self.h_in[1, ind], self.monob[ind],
self.zo[ind], self.zot[ind], self.meth)
# Update the wind values
......@@ -379,10 +364,6 @@ class S88:
# self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)
# self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
# self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
# temporary as in C35, UA
# self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)/self.GustFact
# self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
# self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
# Set the new variables (for comparison against "old")
new = np.array([np.copy(getattr(self, i)) for i in new_vars])
......@@ -404,7 +385,6 @@ class S88:'method %s | # of points that did not converge :%s \n',
self.meth, self.ind[0].size)
def _get_humidity(self):
"""Calculate RH used for flagging purposes & output."""
if self.hum[0] in ('rh', 'no'):
......@@ -417,6 +397,10 @@ class S88:
esd = 611.21*np.exp(17.502*((Td-CtoK)/(Td-32.19)))
es = 611.21*np.exp(17.502*((T-CtoK)/(T-32.19)))
self.rh = 100*esd/es
elif self.hum[0] == "q":
es = 611.21*np.exp(17.502*((self.T-CtoK)/(self.T-32.19)))
e = self.qair*self.P/(0.378*self.qair+0.622)
self.rh = 100*e/es
def _flag(self, out=0):
"""Set the general flags."""
......@@ -492,47 +476,14 @@ class S88:
# usr is divided by (GustFact)^0.5
self.uref = self.spd-self.usr/kappa/np.sqrt(self.GustFact) * \
(np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.h_out[0])-self.psim +
psim_calc(self.h_out[0]/self.monob, self.meth))
psim_calc(self.h_out[0]/self.monob, self.meth))
# include lapse rate adjustment as theta is well-mixed
self.tref = self.theta-self.tlapse*self.h_out[1]-self.tsr/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[1]/self.h_out[1])-self.psit +
psit_calc(self.h_out[1]/self.monob, self.meth))
psit_calc(self.h_out[1]/self.monob, self.meth))
self.qref = self.qair-self.qsr/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[2]/self.h_out[2])-self.psiq +
psit_calc(self.h_out[2]/self.monob, self.meth))
# temporary as in C35
# self.uref = self.spd+self.usr/kappa/self.GustFact*(
# np.log(self.h_out[0]/self.h_in[0]) -
# psim_calc(self.h_out[0]/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth))
# self.u10n = ((self.wind+self.usr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0]) -
# psim_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth)))/self.GustFact +
# psim_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) *
# self.usr/kappa/self.GustFact)
# self.tref = (self.T+self.tsr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.h_out[1]/self.h_in[1]) -
# psit_calc(self.h_out[1]/self.monob, self.meth) +
# psit_calc(self.h_in[1]/self.monob, self.meth)) +
# self.tlapse*(self.h_in[1]-self.h_out[1]))
# self.t10n = self.tref + \
# psit_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth)*self.tsr/kappa
# self.qref = self.qair+self.qsr/kappa*(
# np.log(self.h_out[2]/self.h_in[2])-psit_calc(
# self.h_out[2]/self.monob, self.meth)+psit_calc(
# self.h_in[1]/self.monob, self.meth))
# self.q10n = self.qref + \
# psit_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth)*self.qsr/kappa
# temporary as in UA
# self.uref = np.where(
# self.ref10/self.monob < 0, self.spd+(self.usr/kappa)*(
# np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0])-(psim_calc(
# self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth) -
# psim_calc(self.h_in[0]/self.monob, self.meth))),
# self.spd+(self.usr/kappa)*(np.log(self.ref10/self.h_in[0]) +
# 5*self.ref10/self.monob -
# 5*self.h_in[0]/self.monob))
psit_calc(self.h_out[2]/self.monob, self.meth))
if self.wl == 0:
self.dtwl = np.zeros(self.T.shape)*self.msk
......@@ -562,7 +513,7 @@ class S88:
"psim", "psit", "psiq", "u10n", "t10n", "q10n", "zo",
"zot", "zoq", "uref", "tref", "qref", "dter",
"dqer", "dtwl", "qair", "qsea", "Rl", "Rs", "Rnl", "ug",
"Rb", "rh", "tkt", "lv", "itera")
"Rb", "rh", "rho", "cp", "tkt", "lv", "itera")
res = np.zeros((len(res_vars), len(self.spd)))
for i, value in enumerate(res_vars):
......@@ -602,7 +553,6 @@ class S88:
self.arr_shp = spd.shape
self.nlen = len(spd)
self.spd = spd
# self.T = T
self.T = np.where(T < 200, np.copy(T)+CtoK, np.copy(T))
self.hum = ['no', np.full(SST.shape, 80)] if hum is None else hum
self.SST = np.where(SST < 200, np.copy(SST)+CtoK, np.copy(SST))
......@@ -659,6 +609,7 @@ class S88:
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "S88"
class S80(S88):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -675,6 +626,7 @@ class YT96(S88):
# self.u_lo = [0, 3]
# self.u_hi = [26, 26]
class LP82(S88):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -685,18 +637,19 @@ class LP82(S88):
class NCAR(S88):
def _minimum_params(self): = np.maximum(np.copy(, 1e-4)
self.ct = np.maximum(np.copy(self.ct), 1e-4)
self.cq = np.maximum(np.copy(self.cq), 1e-4)
self.zo = np.minimum(np.copy(self.zo), 0.0025)
# self.u10n = np.maximum(np.copy(self.u10n), 0.25)
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "NCAR"
self.u_lo = [0.5, 0.5]
self.u_hi = [999, 999]
class UA(S88):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -715,22 +668,30 @@ class C30(S88):
self.default_gust = [1, 1.2, 600] = "C35"
class C35(C30):
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "C35"
self.default_gust = [1, 1.2, 600] = "C35"
class ecmwf(C30):
# def set_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl=0, cskin=1, skin="ecmwf", Rl=None,
# Rs=None):
# self._fix_coolskin_warmlayer(wl, cskin, skin, Rl, Rs)
# def _minimum_params(self):
# self.cdn = np.maximum(np.copy(self.cdn), 0.1e-3)
# self.ctn = np.maximum(np.copy(self.ctn), 0.1e-3)
# self.cqn = np.maximum(np.copy(self.cqn), 0.1e-3)
# self.wind = np.maximum(np.copy(self.wind), 0.2)
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "ecmwf"
self.default_gust = [1, 1, 1000] = "ecmwf"
class Beljaars(C30):
# def set_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl=0, cskin=1, skin="Beljaars", Rl=None,
# Rs=None):
......@@ -860,10 +821,12 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, lat=None, hum=None, P=None, hin=18, hout=10,
35. gust wind speed (ug)
36. Bulk Richardson number (Rib)
37. relative humidity (rh)
38. thickness of the viscous layer (delta)
39. lv latent heat of vaporization (Jkg−1)
40. number of iterations until convergence
41. flag ("n": normal, "o": out of nominal range,
38. air density (rho)
39 specific heat of moist air (cp)
40. thickness of the viscous layer (delta)
41. lv latent heat of vaporization (Jkg−1)
42. number of iterations until convergence
43. flag ("n": normal, "o": out of nominal range,
"u": u10n<0, "q":q10n<0
"m": missing,
"l": Rib<-0.5 or Rib>0.2 or z/L>1000,
......@@ -163,14 +163,15 @@ def ctqn_calc(corq, zol, cdn, usr, zo, Ta, meth):
elif meth == "LP82":
cqn = np.where((zol <= 0), 1.15*0.001, 1*0.001)
ctn = np.where((zol <= 0), 1.13*0.001, 0.66*0.001)
zot = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2) / (ctn*np.log(10/zo))))
zoq = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2) / (cqn*np.log(10/zo))))
zot = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2)/(ctn*np.log(10/zo))))
zoq = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2)/(cqn*np.log(10/zo))))
elif meth == "NCAR":
# Eq. (9),(12), (13) Large & Yeager, 2009
cqn = np.maximum(34.6*0.001*np.sqrt(cdn), 0.1e-3)
ctn = np.maximum(np.where(zol <= 0, 32.7*0.001*np.sqrt(cdn),
18*0.001*np.sqrt(cdn)), 0.1e-3)
zot = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2) / (ctn*np.log(10/zo))))
zoq = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2) / (cqn*np.log(10/zo))))
ctn = np.maximum(np.where(zol < 0, 32.7*1e-3*np.sqrt(cdn),
18*1e-3*np.sqrt(cdn)), 0.1e-3)
zot = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2)/(ctn*np.log(10/zo))))
zoq = 10/(np.exp(np.power(kappa, 2)/(cqn*np.log(10/zo))))
elif meth == "UA":
# Zeng et al. 1998 (25)
rr = usr*zo/visc_air(Ta)
......@@ -679,7 +680,6 @@ def get_strs(hin, monob, wind, zo, zot, zoq, dt, dq, cd, ct, cq, meth):
qsr = np.where(hol2 > 1, kappa*dq/(np.log(monob/zoq)+5-5*zoq/monob +
5*np.log(hin[2]/monob) +
hin[2]/monob-1), qsr)
usr = wind*np.sqrt(cd)
tsr = ct*wind*dt/usr
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