Commit 8e540c20 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

Rb in get_L according to eq. 3.25 instead of 3.24

parent c7697f6e
......@@ -978,8 +978,8 @@ def get_L(L, lat, usr, tsr, qsr, t10n, hin, Ta, sst, qair, qsea, q10n,
monob = 1/np.copy(temp)
elif (L == "ecmwf"):
tsrv = tsr*(1+0.6077*qair)+0.6077*Ta*qsr
Rb = ((g*hin[0]/(Ta*(1+0.61*qair))) *
((t10n*(1+0.61*q10n)-sst*(1+0.61*qsea))/np.power(wind, 2)))
Rb = ((g*hin[1])/np.power(wind, 2))*(2*(Ta-sst)/(Ta+sst-g*hin[1]) +
zo = (0.11*visc_air(Ta)/usr+0.018*np.power(usr, 2)/g)
zot = 0.40*visc_air(Ta)/usr
zol = (Rb*(np.power(np.log((hin[0]+zo)/zo)-psim_calc((hin[0]+zo) /
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