Commit a017c382 authored by jtsiddons's avatar jtsiddons
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chore: Update README and switch to markdown format.

Details and link added for new repository location on GitHub.
parent b1bf2ea8
Description # `AirSeaFluxCode`
AirSeaFluxCode is a python 3.6 software designed to allow easy exploration of the different bulk formulae parameterizations and the wide range of implementation options.
Citation **This repository has now moved to GitHub.** Please see [](
Biri S, Cornes RC, Berry DI, Kent EC and Yelland MJ (2023). AirSeaFluxCode: Open source software for calculating turbulent air-sea fluxes from meteorological parameters. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1049168. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1049168 ## Description
`AirSeaFluxCode` is a python 3.6 software designed to allow easy exploration of the different bulk formulae parameterizations and the wide range of implementation options.
## Citation
Biri S, Cornes RC, Berry DI, Kent EC and Yelland MJ (2023). AirSeaFluxCode: Open source software for calculating turbulent air-sea fluxes from meteorological parameters. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1049168. doi: [10.3389/fmars.2022.1049168](
This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council grants ORCHESTRA, (NE/N018095/1), ENCORE (NE/V013254/1) and CLASS (NE/R015953/1). This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council grants ORCHESTRA, (NE/N018095/1), ENCORE (NE/V013254/1) and CLASS (NE/R015953/1).
Licensing ## Licensing
Please see subdirectories for code and data licenses Please see subdirectories for code and data licenses
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