Commit a7d3bbf1 authored by Richard Cornes's avatar Richard Cornes
Browse files

Fixed bug with main program parameters not carrying through to class

parent 2fce6a78
......@@ -114,9 +114,19 @@ class S80:
def iterate(self,n=10, tol=None):
n = 5 if n < 5 else n
# Decide which variables to use in tolerances based on tolerance specification
tol = ['all', 0.01, 0.01, 1e-05, 1e-3, 0.1, 0.1] if tol is None else tol
assert tol[0] in ['flux', 'ref', 'all'], "unknown tolerance input"
old_vars = {"flux":["tau","sensible","latent"], "ref":["u10n","t10n","q10n"]}
old_vars["all"] = old_vars["ref"] + old_vars["flux"]
old_vars = old_vars[tol[0]]
new_vars = {"flux":["tau","sensible","latent"], "ref":["utmp","t10n","q10n"]}
new_vars["all"] = new_vars["ref"] + new_vars["flux"]
new_vars = new_vars[tol[0]]
ind = np.where(self.spd > 0)
it = 0
......@@ -133,15 +143,6 @@ class S80:
# Generate the first guess values
# Decide which variables to use in tolerances based on tolerance specification
old_vars = {"flux":["tau","sensible","latent"], "ref":["u10n","t10n","q10n"]}
old_vars["all"] = old_vars["ref"] + old_vars["flux"]
old_vars = old_vars[tol[0]]
new_vars = {"flux":["tau","sensible","latent"], "ref":["utmp","t10n","q10n"]}
new_vars["all"] = new_vars["ref"] + new_vars["flux"]
new_vars = new_vars[tol[0]]
# iteration loop
ii = True
while ii:
......@@ -661,12 +662,12 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, lat=None, hum=None, P=None, hin=18, hout=10,
iclass = globals()[meth]()
iclass.add_variables(spd, T, SST, lat=lat, hum=hum, P=P, L=L)
iclass.get_heights(hin, hout)
iclass.set_coolskin_warmlayer(wl=wl, cskin=cskin,skin=skin,Rl=Rl,Rs=Rs)
resAll = iclass.get_output()
resAll = iclass.get_output(out=out)
return resAll
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