Commit b6038e55 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
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updated bespoke version for NCAR & ECMWF to adapt only changes that do make an...

updated bespoke version for NCAR & ECMWF to adapt only changes that do make an improvement to the agreement
parent eae6d3cb
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class S88:
self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa/self.GustFact[ind]*np.log(
elif self.meth == "ecmwf":
self.wind[ind] = np.maximum(self.wind[ind], 0.2)
# self.wind[ind] = np.maximum(self.wind[ind], 0.2)
self.u10n[ind] = self.usr[ind]/kappa*np.log(
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ class S88:
if (np.all(np.isnan(self.qsea)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.qair))):
raise ValueError("qsea and qair cannot be nan")
if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
self.qair = np.maximum(self.qair, 1e-6)
# if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
# self.qair = np.maximum(self.qair, 1e-6)
self.dq_in = self.qair-self.qsea
if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
self.dq_in = np.maximum(np.abs(self.dq_in), 1e-9)*np.sign(
# if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
# self.dq_in = np.maximum(np.abs(self.dq_in), 1e-9)*np.sign(
# self.dq_in)
self.dq_full = self.qair-self.qsea
# Set lapse rate and Potential Temperature (now we have humdity)
......@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class S88:
self.tlapse = gamma("dry", self.SST, self.T, self.qair/1000, self.cp)
self.theta = np.copy(self.T)+self.tlapse*self.h_in[1]
self.dt_in = self.theta-self.SST
if self.meth == "ecmwf":
self.dt_in = np.maximum(np.abs(self.dt_in), 1e-6)*np.sign(
# if self.meth == "ecmwf":
# self.dt_in = np.maximum(np.abs(self.dt_in), 1e-6)*np.sign(
# self.dt_in)
self.dt_full = self.theta-self.SST
def _fix_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl, cskin, skin, Rl, Rs):
......@@ -164,33 +164,6 @@ class S88:
Rb = self.grav*self.h_in[1]**np.power(self.wind, 2))
# eq. 12 Grachev & Fairall 1997 # DO.THIS
self.monob = self.h_in[1]/12.0/Rb
# if self.meth == "UA":
# self.usr = 0.06
# for i in range(6):
# self.zo = 0.013*self.usr*self.usr/self.grav+0.11*visc_air(self.T)/self.usr
# self.usr = kappa*self.wind/np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo)
# Rb = self.grav*self.h_in[0]**self.wind*self.wind)
# zol = np.where(Rb >= 0, Rb*np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo) /
# (1-5*np.minimum(Rb, 0.19)),
# Rb*np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo))
# self.monob = self.h_in[0]/zol
# elif self.meth == "C35":
# self.usr = 0.035*self.wind*np.log(10/1e-4)/np.log(self.h_in[0]/1e-4)
# self.zo = 0.011*self.usr**2/self.grav+0.11*visc_air(self.T)/self.usr
# Cd10 = (kappa/np.log(10/self.zo))**2
# Ch10 = 0.00115
# Ct10 = Ch10/np.sqrt(Cd10)
# self.zot = 10/np.exp(kappa/Ct10)
# Cd = (kappa/np.log(self.h_in[0]/self.zo))**2
# Ct = kappa/np.log(self.h_in[1]/self.zot)
# CC = kappa*Ct/Cd
# Ribcu = -self.h_in[0]/self.gust[2]/0.004/self.gust[1]**3
# Rb = -1*self.grav*self.h_in[0]/(self.T)*(
# (-self.dt_in)-0.61*(self.T)*self.dq_in)/self.wind**2
# zol = CC*Rb*(1+27/9*Rb/CC)
# k50 = np.where(zol > 50) # stable with very thin M-O length relative to zu
# zol = np.where(Rb < 0, CC*Rb/(1+Rb/Ribcu), CC*Rb*(1+27/9*Rb/CC))
# self.monob = self.h_in[0]/zol
# ------------
# dummy_array = lambda val : np.full(self.T.shape, val)*self.msk
......@@ -376,10 +349,10 @@ class S88:
self.itera[ind] = np.full(1, it)
if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
self.rho = rho_air(self.theta-self.tlapse*self.h_in[0],
self.qair, self.P*100)
self.qair, self.P*100)
self.rho = rho_air(self.theta-self.tlapse*self.h_in[0],
self.zUrho = self.wind*np.maximum(self.rho, 1)
self.tau = self.zUrho**self.spd
self.sensible = self.zUrho*self.ct*(self.theta-self.SST)*self.cp
......@@ -388,6 +361,7 @@ class S88:
self.tau = self.rho*np.power(self.usr, 2)*self.spd/self.wind
self.sensible = self.rho*self.cp*self.usr*self.tsr
self.latent = self.rho**self.usr*self.qsr
# Set the new variables (for comparison against "old")
new = np.array([np.copy(getattr(self, i)) for i in new_vars])
......@@ -499,6 +473,8 @@ class S88:
self.h_in[1]/self.monob, self.meth))
self.q10n = self.qref + \
psit_calc(self.ref10/self.monob, self.meth)*self.qsr/kappa
# elif self.meth == "NCAR":
# self.u10n = np.sqrt(self.cd10n)*self.wind/kappa*np.log(self.ref10/self.zo)
elif self.meth == "ecmwf":
self.u10n = self.usr/kappa*np.log(self.ref10/self.zo)
......@@ -582,8 +558,8 @@ class S88:
if self.meth == "NCAR":
self.spd = np.maximum(np.copy(self.spd), 0.5)
self.T = np.where(T < 200, np.copy(T)+CtoK, np.copy(T))
if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
self.T = np.maximum(self.T, 180)
# if self.meth in ["NCAR", "ecmwf"]:
# self.T = np.maximum(self.T, 180)
self.hum = ['no', np.full(SST.shape, 80)] if hum is None else hum
self.SST = np.where(SST < 200, np.copy(SST)+CtoK, np.copy(SST)) = np.full(self.arr_shp, 45) if lat is None else lat
......@@ -627,42 +603,13 @@ class S88:
self.meth = "S88"
class S80(S88):
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "S80"
self.u_lo = [6, 6]
self.u_hi = [22, 22]
class YT96(S88):
# def _minimum_params(self):
# self.u10n = np.where(self.h_in[0]/self.monob > 0,
# np.maximum(np.copy(self.u10n), 0.1), self.u10n)
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "YT96"
# no limits to u range as we use eq. 21 for cdn
# self.u_lo = [0, 3]
# self.u_hi = [26, 26]
class LP82(S88):
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "LP82"
self.u_lo = [3, 3]
self.u_hi = [25, 25]
class NCAR(S88):
def _minimum_params(self): = np.maximum(np.copy(, 1e-4)
self.ct = np.maximum(np.copy(self.ct), 1e-4)
self.cq = np.maximum(np.copy(self.cq), 1e-4)
self.zo = np.minimum(np.copy(self.zo), 0.0025)
# self.zo = np.minimum(np.copy(self.zo), 0.0025)
# self.u10n = np.maximum(np.copy(self.u10n), 0.25)
def __init__(self):
......@@ -713,18 +660,6 @@ class ecmwf(C30): = "ecmwf"
class Beljaars(C30):
# def set_coolskin_warmlayer(self, wl=0, cskin=1, skin="Beljaars", Rl=None,
# Rs=None):
# self._fix_coolskin_warmlayer(wl, cskin, skin, Rl, Rs)
def __init__(self):
self.meth = "Beljaars"
self.default_gust = [1, 1.2, 600, 0.01] = "ecmwf"
# = "Beljaars"
def AirSeaFluxCode_dev(spd, T, SST, SST_fl, meth, lat=None, hum=None, P=None,
hin=18, hout=10, Rl=None, Rs=None, cskin=0, skin=None,
wl=0, gust=None, qmeth="Buck2", tol=None, maxiter=10,
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def cdn_from_roughness(u10n, usr, Ta, grav, meth):
np.power(usr, 2)/grav)
elif meth in ["ecmwf", "Beljaars"]:
# eq. (3.26) p.38 over sea IFS Documentation cy46r1
# zo = 0.018*np.power(usr, 2)/grav+0.11*visc_air(Ta)/usr
zo = 0.018*np.power(usr, 2)/grav+0.11*visc_air(Ta)/usr
# temporary as in aerobulk
zo = np.minimum(np.abs(zo), 0.001)
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ def cdn_from_roughness(u10n, usr, Ta, grav, meth):
cdn = np.power(kappa/np.log(10/zo), 2)
# temporary as in aerobulk
if meth == "ecmwf":
cdn = np.maximum(cdn, 0.1e-3)
# if meth == "ecmwf":
# cdn = np.maximum(cdn, 0.1e-3)
return cdn
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -198,17 +198,17 @@ def ctqn_calc(corq, zol, cdn, usr, zo, Ta, meth):
ctn = np.power(kappa, 2)/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zot)
elif meth in ["ecmwf", "Beljaars"]:
# eq. (3.26) p.38 over sea IFS Documentation cy46r1
# zot = 0.40*visc_air(Ta)/usr
# zoq = 0.62*visc_air(Ta)/usr
zot = 0.40*visc_air(Ta)/usr
zoq = 0.62*visc_air(Ta)/usr
# temporary as in aerobulk next 2lines
# eq.3.26, Chap.3, p.34, IFS doc - Cy31r1
zot = np.minimum(np.abs(zot), 0.001)
zoq = np.minimum(np.abs(zoq), 0.001)
# cqn = np.power(kappa, 2)/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zoq)
# ctn = np.power(kappa, 2)/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zot)
cqn = np.power(kappa, 2)/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zoq)
ctn = np.power(kappa, 2)/np.log(10/zo)/np.log(10/zot)
# temporary as in aerobulk
ctn = np.maximum(ctn, 0.1e-3)
cqn = np.maximum(cqn, 0.1e-3)
# ctn = np.maximum(ctn, 0.1e-3)
# cqn = np.maximum(cqn, 0.1e-3)
raise ValueError("Unknown method ctqn: "+meth)
......@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ def apply_GF(gust, spd, wind, step):
# 1. following C35 documentation, 2. use GF to TSF, u10n uzout,
# 3. GF=1, 4. UA, 5. C35 code 6. ecmwf aerobulk)
# 3. GF=1, 4. UA/ecmwf, 5. C35 code
# ratio of gusty to horizontal wind; gustiness factor
if step in ["u"]:
GustFact = wind*0+1
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