Commit c6304aee authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files


parent a5e57557
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, lat, RH, P, hin, hout, zi, Rl, Rs, jcool,
(h_in[0, ind]/monob[ind] < 0),
kappa*wind[ind]/(np.log(h_in[0, ind]/zo[ind]) -
psim_calc(h_in[0, ind]/monob[ind], meth) +
psim_calc(zo[ind, ind]/monob[ind], meth)),
psim_calc(zo[ind]/monob[ind], meth)),
np.where((h_in[0, ind]/monob[ind] > 0) &
(h_in[0, ind]/monob[ind] < 1),
kappa*wind[ind]/(np.log(h_in[0, ind]/zo[ind]) +
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