Commit e48e78d3 authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

Update AirSeaFluxCode/src/, AirSeaFluxCode/src/ files

parent 3c11dc3e
......@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ def delta(aw, Q, usr, grav):
# u* in the water
usr_w = np.maximum(usr, 1e-4)*np.sqrt(1.2/rhow) # rhoa=1.2
rcst_cs = 16*grav*np.power(visw, 3)/np.power(tcw, 2)
lm = 6*(1+np.maximum(Q*aw*rcst_cs/np.power(usr_w, 4), 0)**0.75)**(-1/3)
lm = 6*(1+(np.abs(Q)*aw*rcst_cs/np.power(usr_w, 4))**0.75)**(-1/3)
ztmp = visw/usr_w
delta = np.where(Q > 0, np.minimum(6*ztmp, 0.007), lm*ztmp)
delta = np.where(Q > 0, np.minimum(6*ztmp, 0.007), np.minimum(lm*ztmp, 0.007))
return delta
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def get_outvars(out_var, cskin, gust):
"usr", "psim", "psit", "psiq", "psim_ref", "psit_ref",
"psiq_ref", "u10n", "t10n", "q10n", "zo", "zot", "zoq",
"uref", "tref", "qref", "dter", "dqer", "dtwl", "tkt",
"Rl", "Rs", "Rnl""qair", "qsea", "Rb", "rh", "rho",
"Rl", "Rs", "Rnl", "qair", "qsea", "Rb", "rh", "rho",
"cp", "lv", "theta", "itera")
elif cskin == 0 and gust[0] != 0: # skin OFF and gust ON
res_vars = ("tau", "sensible", "latent", "monob", "cd", "cd10n",
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