Commit f57409ed authored by sbiri's avatar sbiri
Browse files

Update AirSeaFluxCode/src/,...

Update AirSeaFluxCode/src/, AirSeaFluxCode/src/, AirSeaFluxCode/src/ files
parent ffa9b609
......@@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ class S88:
self.GustFact = self.wind/self.spd
self.usr_gust = np.copy(self.usr)
self.usr_nogust = self.usr/self.GFo
# include lapse rate adjustment as theta is well-mixed
self.tref = self.theta-self.tlapse*self.h_out[1]-self.tsr/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[1]/self.h_out[1])-self.psit +
......@@ -719,15 +718,13 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, SST_fl, meth, lat=None, hum=None, P=None,
set 1 to keep points
out_var : str
optional. user can define pandas array of variables to be output.
the default full pandas array is :
the default full pandas array, with cskin=0 gust=0, is :
out_var = ("tau", "sensible", "latent", "monob", "cd", "cd10n",
"ct", "ct10n", "cq", "cq10n", "tsrv", "tsr", "qsr",
"usr", "psim", "psit", "psiq", "psim_ref", "psit_ref",
"psiq_ref", "u10n", "t10n", "q10n", "zo", "zot", "zoq",
"uref", "tref", "qref", "dter", "dqer", "dtwl", "tkt",
"qair", "qsea", "Rl", "Rs", "Rnl", "ug", "usrGF",
"GustFact", "Rb", "rh", "rho", "cp", "lv", "theta",
"uref", "tref", "qref", "qair", "qsea", "Rb", "rh",
"rho", "cp", "lv", "theta", "itera")
the "limited" pandas array is:
out_var = ("tau", "sensible", "latent", "uref", "tref", "qref")
the user can define a custom pandas array of variables to output.
......@@ -778,7 +775,7 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode(spd, T, SST, SST_fl, meth, lat=None, hum=None, P=None,
37. downward shortwave radiation (Rs)
38. downward net longwave radiation (Rnl)
39. gust wind speed (ug)
40. star wind speed/GustFact (usrGF)
40. star wind speed with gust (usr_gust)
41. Gustiness Factor (GustFact)
42. Bulk Richardson number (Rb)
43. relative humidity (rh)
......@@ -426,7 +426,6 @@ class S88:
self.GustFact = self.wind/self.spd
self.usr_gust = np.copy(self.usr)
self.usr_nogust = self.usr/self.GFo
# include lapse rate adjustment as theta is well-mixed
self.tref = self.theta-self.tlapse*self.h_out[1]-self.tsr/kappa * \
(np.log(self.h_in[1]/self.h_out[1])-self.psit +
......@@ -795,7 +794,7 @@ def AirSeaFluxCode_dev(spd, T, SST, SST_fl, meth, lat=None, hum=None, P=None,
37. downward shortwave radiation (Rs)
38. downward net longwave radiation (Rnl)
39. gust wind speed (ug)
40. star wind speed/GustFact (usrGF)
40. star wind with gust (usr_gust)
41. Gustiness Factor (GustFact)
42. Bulk Richardson number (Rb)
43. relative humidity (rh)
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ def get_outvars(out_var, cskin, gust):
elif cskin == 0 and gust[0] != 0: # skin OFF and gust ON
res_vars = ("tau", "sensible", "latent", "monob", "cd", "cd10n",
"ct", "ct10n", "cq", "cq10n", "tsrv", "tsr", "qsr",
"usr", "usr_gust", "usr_nogust","ug", "GustFact",
"usr_gust", "ug", "GustFact",
"psim", "psit", "psiq", "psim_ref", "psit_ref",
"psiq_ref", "u10n", "t10n", "q10n", "zo", "zot", "zoq",
"uref", "tref", "qref", "qair", "qsea", "Rb", "rh",
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ def get_outvars(out_var, cskin, gust):
res_vars = ("tau", "sensible", "latent", "monob", "cd", "cd10n",
"ct", "ct10n", "cq", "cq10n", "tsrv", "tsr", "qsr",
"usr", "usr_gust", "usr_nogust","ug", "GustFact",
"usr_gust", "ug", "GustFact",
"psim", "psit", "psiq", "psim_ref", "psit_ref",
"psiq_ref", "u10n", "t10n", "q10n", "zo", "zot", "zoq",
"uref", "tref", "qref", "dter", "dqer", "dtwl", "tkt",
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