Commit 29e88056 authored by Joseph Siddons's avatar Joseph Siddons
Browse files

feat: Implement KDTree for fast nearest neighbours in 2 spatial dimensions

parent cf00a44b
from .neighbours import find_nearest
from .distance_metrics import haversine
from .quadtree import Ellipse, QuadTree, Record, Rectangle
from .kdtree import KDTree
__all__ = ["find_nearest", "haversine"]
__all__ = [
An implementation of KDTree using Haversine Distance for GeoSpatial analysis.
Useful tool for quickly searching for nearest neighbours.
from . import Record
from numpy import inf
class KDTree:
A Haverine distance implementation of a balanced KDTree.
This implementation is a _balanced_ KDTree, each leaf node should have the
same number of points (or differ by 1 depending on the number of points
the KDTree is intialised with).
The KDTree partitions in each of the lon and lat dimensions alternatively
in sequence by splitting at the median of the dimension of the points
assigned to the branch.
points : list[Record]
A list of GeoSpatialTools.Record instances.
depth : int
The current depth of the KDTree, you should set this to 0, it is used
max_depth : int
The maximium depth of the KDTree. The leaf nodes will have depth no
larger than this value. Leaf nodes will not be created if there is
only 1 point in the branch.
def __init__(
self, points: list[Record], depth: int = 0, max_depth: int = 20
) -> None:
self.depth = depth
n_points = len(points)
if self.depth == max_depth or n_points < 2:
self.points = points
self.split = False
return None
self.axis = depth % 2
self.variable = "lon" if self.axis == 0 else "lat"
points.sort(key=lambda p: getattr(p, self.variable))
split_index = n_points // 2
self.partition_value = getattr(points[split_index], self.variable)
self.split = True
self.child_left = KDTree(points[:split_index], depth + 1)
self.child_right = KDTree(points[split_index:], depth + 1)
return None
def insert(self, point: Record) -> bool:
"""Insert a Record into the KDTree. May unbalance the KDTree"""
if not self.split:
return True
if getattr(point, self.variable) < self.partition_value:
return self.child_left.insert(point)
return self.child_right.insert(point)
def delete(self, point: Record) -> bool:
"""Delete a Record from the KDTree. May unbalance the KDTree"""
if not self.split:
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if getattr(point, self.variable) < self.partition_value:
return self.child_left.delete(point)
return self.child_right.delete(point)
def query(
point: Record,
current_best: Record | None = None,
best_distance: float = inf,
) -> tuple[Record | None, float]:
"""Find the nearest Record within the KDTree to a query Record"""
if not self.split:
for p in self.points:
dist = point.distance(p)
if dist < best_distance:
current_best = p
best_distance = dist
return current_best, best_distance
if getattr(point, self.variable) < self.partition_value:
current_best, best_distance = self.child_left.query(
point, current_best, best_distance
if (
< best_distance
current_best, best_distance = self.child_right.query(
point, current_best, best_distance
current_best, best_distance = self.child_right.query(
point, current_best, best_distance
if (
< best_distance
current_best, best_distance = self.child_left.query(
point, current_best, best_distance
return current_best, best_distance
def _get_partition_record(self, point: Record) -> Record:
if self.variable == "lon":
return Record(self.partition_value,
return Record(point.lon, self.partition_value)
import unittest
from numpy import min, argmin
from GeoSpatialTools import haversine, KDTree, Record
class TestKDTree(unittest.TestCase):
records = [
Record(1, 2, uid="A"),
Record(-9, 44, uid="B"),
Record(174, -81, uid="C"),
Record(-4, 71, uid="D"),
def test_insert(self):
kt = KDTree(self.records)
test_record = Record(175, 44)
assert kt.insert(test_record)
assert test_record in kt.child_right.child_right.points
def test_delete(self):
kt = KDTree(self.records)
delete_rec = self.records[2]
assert delete_rec in kt.child_right.child_right.points
assert kt.delete(delete_rec)
assert delete_rec not in kt.child_right.child_right.points
def test_query(self):
kt = KDTree(self.records)
test_record = Record(-6, 35)
best_record, best_dist = kt.query(test_record)
true_dist = min([test_record.distance(r) for r in self.records])
true_ind = argmin([test_record.distance(r) for r in self.records])
true_record = self.records[true_ind]
self.assertAlmostEqual(true_dist, best_dist)
assert best_record == true_record
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