Commit 47e1c8f0 authored by Joseph Siddons's avatar Joseph Siddons
Browse files

test: tests for find_nearest

parent 4a881ce2
import unittest
from numpy import argmin
from random import choice, sample
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from GeoSpatialTools import find_nearest
class TestFindNearest(unittest.TestCase):
dates = [
datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0) + timedelta(seconds=i * 3600)
for i in range(365 * 24)
test_dates = sample(dates, 150)
test_dates = [
d + timedelta(seconds=60 * choice(range(60))) for d in test_dates
test_dates.append(datetime(2004, 11, 15, 17, 28))
test_dates.append(datetime(2013, 4, 22, 1, 41))
def test_nearest(self):
greedy = [
argmin([abs(x - y) for x in self.dates]) for y in self.test_dates
ours = find_nearest(self.dates, self.test_dates)
assert ours == greedy
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