Commit 53b36e8a authored by Joseph Siddons's avatar Joseph Siddons
Browse files

test(kdtree): Test neighbours over pole

parent 85e6d8af
import unittest
import random
from numpy import min, argmin
from GeoSpatialTools import haversine, KDTree, Record
......@@ -91,12 +93,39 @@ class TestKDTree(unittest.TestCase):
def test_wrap(self):
# TEST: Accounts for wrap at -180, 180
kt = KDTree(self.records)
kt.insert(Record(-160, -64, uid="G"))
bad_rec = Record(-160, -64, uid="G")
query_rec = Record(-178, -79, uid="E")
r, _ = kt.query(query_rec)
assert len(r) == 1
assert r[0].uid == "C"
def test_near_pole_query(self):
test_records = [
Record(-180, 89.5, uid="1"),
Record(-90, 89.9, uid="2"),
Record(0, 89.5, uid="3"),
N_others = 50
random.choice(range(-180, 180)),
random.choice(range(80, 90)),
for _ in range(N_others)
kt = KDTree(test_records, max_depth=3)
query_rec = Record(90, 89.8, uid="4")
r, d = kt.query(query_rec)
assert len(r) == 1
assert r[0].uid == "2"
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