Commit 01a924df authored by root's avatar root
Browse files


parent 4ecf2d28
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# As root:
yum check-update
yum install epel-release # enables another software repo
yum update
# Install needed tools
......@@ -26,9 +27,7 @@ yum install inotify-tools incron
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# Install python libraries
yum install python-inotify numpy python-matplotlib python-virtualenv
python -m easy_install pip
pip install pandas
yum install python-inotify numpy python-matplotlib python-virtualenv python-pip python-pandas libffi-devel
pip install css-html-js-minify
pip install bcrypt
......@@ -43,12 +42,8 @@ mysql_secure_installation
# remote root login disabled
systemctl enable mariadb
# Install a relevant python ORM library
# TODO: Pick one we like the most!
# Big ones like SQLAlchemy?
# owanes quite likes the look of :)
pip install mysql-python
pip install storm
# Install SQLAlchemy
yum install MySQL-python python-sqlalchemy
# Install PHP
yum install php php-fpm php-apc php-pdo php-mcrypt php-mbstring
......@@ -61,7 +56,6 @@ systemctl enable php-fpm
# Based on
yum install epel-release # enables another software repo
yum check-update
yum install nginx
useradd -m gliders
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