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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as sp
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

def nemo_bdy_order(fname):
    Determine the ordering and breaks in BDY files to aid plotting.
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16 17 18
    This function takes the i/j coordinates from BDY files and orders them sequentially
    making it easier to visualise sections along the open boundary. Breaks in the open
    boundary are also determined (i.e. where the distance between two points > 2**0.5)
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20 21
        fname     (str) : filename of BDY file
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        bdy_ind   (dict): re-ordered indices
        bdy_dst   (dict): distance (in model coords) between points
        bdy_brk   (dict): location of the break points in the open boundary

    # open file pointer and extract data
    rootgrp = Dataset(fname, "r", format="NETCDF4")
    nbi = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nbidta'][:, :]) - 1  # subtract 1 for python indexing
    nbj = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nbjdta'][:, :]) - 1
    nbr = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nbrdta'][:, :]) - 1
    lon = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nav_lon'][:, :])
    lat = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nav_lat'][:, :])

    rw = np.amax(nbr) + 1
    bdy_ind = {}
    bdy_brk = {}
    bdy_dst = {}
    nbdy = []

    for r in range(rw):
        nbdy.append(np.sum(nbr == r))

    # TODO: deal with domain that spans wrap

    # start with outer rim and work in

    for r in range(rw):

        # set initial constants

        ind = nbr == r
        nbi_tmp = nbi[ind]
        nbj_tmp = nbj[ind]

        count = 1
        id_order = np.zeros((nbdy[r], 1), dtype=int) - 1
        id_order[0,] = 0
        flag = False
        mark = 0
        source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(nbi_tmp, nbj_tmp), balanced_tree=False, compact_nodes=False)

        # order bdy entries

        while count < nbdy[r]:

            nn_dist, nn_id = source_tree.query(zip(nbi_tmp[id_order[count - 1]], nbj_tmp[id_order[count - 1]]),
                                               k=3, distance_upper_bound=2.9)
            if np.sum(id_order == nn_id[0, 1]) == 1:  # is the nearest point already in the list?
                if np.sum(id_order == nn_id[0, 2]) == 1:  # is the 2nd nearest point already in the list?
                    if flag == False:  # then we've found an end point and we can start the search in earnest!

                        flag = True
                        id_order[mark] = id_order[count - 1]  # reset values
                        id_order[mark + 1:] = -1  # reset values
                        count = mark + 1  # reset counter
                        i = 0  # should this be zero?
                        t = count
                        while count == t:
                            if np.sum(id_order == i) == 1:
                                i += 1
                                id_order[count] = i
                                flag = False
                                mark = count
                                count += 1
                elif nn_id[0, 2] == nbdy[r]:
                    i = 0
                    t = count
                    while count == t:
                        if np.sum(id_order == i) == 1:
                            i += 1
                            id_order[count] = i
                            flag = False
                            mark = count
                            count += 1
                    id_order[count] = nn_id[0, 2]
                    count += 1
                id_order[count] = nn_id[0, 1]
                count += 1

        bdy_ind[r] = id_order
        bdy_dst[r] = np.sqrt((np.diff(np.hstack((nbi_tmp[id_order], nbj_tmp[id_order])), axis=0) ** 2).sum(axis=1))
        bdy_brk[r], = np.where(bdy_dst[r] > 2 ** 0.5)
        bdy_brk[r] += 1
        bdy_brk[r] = np.insert(bdy_brk[r], 0, 0)  # insert start point
        bdy_brk[r] = np.insert(bdy_brk[r], len(bdy_brk[r]), len(id_order))  # insert end point
        bdy_dst[r] = np.insert(np.cumsum(bdy_dst[r]), 0, 0)

        if r == 2:  # change to a valid rw number to get a visual output (outer most rw is zero)
            f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10))
            plt.scatter(nbi_tmp[bdy_ind[r][:]], nbj_tmp[bdy_ind[r][:]], s=1, marker='.')
            for t in np.arange(0, len(bdy_ind[r]), 20):
                plt.text(nbi_tmp[bdy_ind[r][t]], nbj_tmp[bdy_ind[r][t]], t)

    return bdy_ind, bdy_dst, bdy_brk

def plot_bdy(fname, bdy_ind, bdy_dst, bdy_brk, varnam, t, rw):
    Determine the ordering and breaks in BDY files to aid plotting.
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130 131 132
    This function takes the i/j coordinates from BDY files and orders them sequentially
    making it easier to visualise sections along the open boundary. Breaks in the open
    boundary are also determined (i.e. where the distance between two points > 2**0.5)
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134 135
        fname     (str) : filename of BDY file
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137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
        bdy_ind   (dict): re-ordered indices
        bdy_dst   (dict): distance (in model coords) between points
        bdy_brk   (dict): location of the break points in the open boundary

    # need to write in a check that either i or j are single values

    rootgrp = Dataset(fname, "r", format="NETCDF4")
    var = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables[varnam][t, :])
    nbr = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['nbrdta'][:, :]) - 1
    var = var[:, nbr == rw]

    # let us use gdept as the central depth irrespective of whether t, u or v

        gdep = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['deptht'][:, :, :])
    except KeyError:
            gdep = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['gdept'][:, :, :])
        except KeyError:
                gdep = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['depthu'][:, :, :])
            except KeyError:
                    gdep = np.squeeze(rootgrp.variables['depthv'][:, :, :])
                except KeyError:
                    print ('depth variable not found')
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165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260


    jpk = len(gdep[:, 0])
    nsc = len(bdy_brk[rw][:]) - 1

    dep = {}
    dta = {}

    # divide data up into sections and re-order

    for n in range(nsc):
        dta[n] = np.squeeze(var[:, bdy_ind[rw][bdy_brk[rw][n]:bdy_brk[rw][n + 1]]])
        dep[n] = np.squeeze(gdep[:, bdy_ind[rw][bdy_brk[rw][n]:bdy_brk[rw][n + 1]]])

    # loop over number of sections and plot

    f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(11, 4))
    ax.plot(dta[0][10, :])
    ax.set_title('BDY points along section: 1, depth level: 10')

    f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nsc, ncols=1, figsize=(14, 10 * nsc))

    for n in range(nsc):
        print('NSC '+str(n))[n])

        # from gdep create some pseudo w points

        gdept = dep[n][:, :]
        coords = np.arange(0, len(gdept[0, :]))
        gdepw = np.zeros((len(gdept[:, 0]) + 1, len(gdept[0, :])))
        for z in range(jpk):
            gdepw[z + 1, :] = gdept[z, :] + (gdept[z, :] - gdepw[z, :])

        gdepvw = np.zeros((len(gdept[:, 0]) + 1, len(gdept[0, :]) + 1))

        # TODO: put in an adjustment for zps levels

        gdepvw[:, 1:-1] = (gdepw[:, :-1] + gdepw[:, 1:]) / 2
        gdepvw[:, 0] = gdepvw[:, 1]
        gdepvw[:, -1] = gdepvw[:, -2]

        # create a pseudo bathymetry from the depth data

        bathy = np.zeros_like(coords)
        mbath = np.sum(dta[n].mask == 0, axis=0)

        for i in range(len(coords)):
            bathy[i] = gdepw[mbath[i], i]

        bathy_patch = Polygon(np.vstack((np.hstack((coords[0], coords, coords[-1])),
                                         np.hstack((np.amax(bathy[:]), bathy, np.amax(bathy[:]))))).T,
                              facecolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0), alpha=0, edgecolor=None)

        # Add patch to axes
        ax[n].set_title('BDY points along section: ' + str(n))
        patches = []
        colors = []

        for i in range(len(coords)):

            for k in np.arange(jpk - 2, -1, -1):

                if dta[n][k, i] > -10:
                    x = [coords[i] - 0.5, coords[i], coords[i] + 0.5,
                         coords[i] + 0.5, coords[i], coords[i] - 0.5, coords[i] - 0.5]
                    y = [gdepvw[k + 1, i], gdepw[k + 1, i], gdepvw[k + 1, i + 1],
                         gdepvw[k, i + 1], gdepw[k, i], gdepvw[k, i], gdepvw[k + 1, i]]

                    polygon = Polygon(np.vstack((x, y)).T, True)
                    colors = np.append(colors, dta[n][k, i])

        # for i in range(len(coords)):
        #     #print(i)
        #     for k in np.arange(jpk - 2, -1, -1):
        #         x = [coords[i] - 0.5, coords[i], coords[i] + 0.5,
        #              coords[i] + 0.5, coords[i], coords[i] - 0.5, coords[i] - 0.5]
        #         y = [gdepvw[k + 1, i], gdepw[k + 1, i], gdepvw[k + 1, i + 1],
        #              gdepvw[k, i + 1], gdepw[k, i], gdepvw[k, i], gdepvw[k + 1, i]]
        #         plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', linewidth=0.1)
        #         plt.plot(coords[i], gdept[k, i], 'k.', markersize=1)

        plt.plot(coords, bathy, '-', color=(0.4, 0, 0))
        p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.8, edgecolor='none')
        f.colorbar(p, ax=ax[n])
        ax[n].set_ylim((0, np.max(bathy)))

    return f

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fname = '/Users/thopri/Projects/PyNEMO/outputs/'
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ind, dst, brk = nemo_bdy_order(fname)
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f = plot_bdy(fname, ind, dst, brk, 'thetao', 0, 0)
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265 266