Commit 190d199b authored by James Harle's avatar James Harle
Browse files

2to3 on main dir

parent 78941e5c
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ from pynemo import nemo_bdy_ncgen as ncgen
from pynemo import nemo_bdy_ncpop as ncpop
# Local Imports
import nemo_bdy_grid_angle as ga
from . import nemo_bdy_grid_angle as ga
from pynemo.reader.factory import GetFile
from pynemo.utils.nemo_bdy_lib import rot_rep, sub2ind
......@@ -233,12 +233,12 @@ class Extract:
# Ann Query substitute
source_tree = None
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),'F')), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),'F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
except TypeError: #added this fix to make it compatible with scipy 0.16.0
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),'F')))
dst_pts = zip(dst_lon[:].ravel(order='F'), dst_lat[:].ravel(order='F'))
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(SC.lon.ravel(order='F'),'F'))))
dst_pts = list(zip(dst_lon[:].ravel(order='F'), dst_lat[:].ravel(order='F')))
nn_dist, nn_id = source_tree.query(dst_pts, k=1)
# Find surrounding points
......@@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ class Extract:
tmp_lat[r_id] = -9999
source_tree = None
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
tmp_lat.ravel(order='F')), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
tmp_lat.ravel(order='F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
except TypeError: #fix for scipy 0.16.0
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(tmp_lon.ravel(order='F'),
dst_pts = zip(dst_lon[rr_id].ravel(order='F'),
dst_pts = list(zip(dst_lon[rr_id].ravel(order='F'),
junk, an_id = source_tree.query(dst_pts, k=3,
id_121[rr_id, :] = an_id
......@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ class Extract:
z_ind = np.zeros((num_bdy * dst_len_z, 2), dtype=np.int64)
source_tree = None
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F')), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F'))), balanced_tree=False,compact_nodes=False)
except TypeError: #fix for scipy 0.16.0
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F')))
source_tree = sp.cKDTree(list(zip(sc_z.ravel(order='F'))))
junk, nn_id = source_tree.query(zip(dst_dep_rv), k=1)
junk, nn_id = source_tree.query(list(zip(dst_dep_rv)), k=1)
# WORKAROUND: the tree query returns out of range val when
# dst_dep point is NaN, causing ref problems later.
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class Extract:
# Get first and last date within range, init to cover entire range
first_date = 0
last_date = len(sc_time.time_counter) - 1
rev_seq = range(len(sc_time.time_counter))
rev_seq = list(range(len(sc_time.time_counter)))
for date in rev_seq:
if src_date_seconds[date] < dst_start:
......@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ class Extract:
vals = {'gregorian': 365. + isleap(year), 'noleap':
365., '360_day': 360.}
if source not in vals.keys():
if source not in list(vals.keys()):
raise ValueError('Unknown source calendar type: %s' %source)
# Get month length
if dest == '360_day':
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import numpy as np
import logging
#Local Imports
from utils.nemo_bdy_lib import sub2ind
from .utils.nemo_bdy_lib import sub2ind
class Boundary:
# Bearings for overlays
......@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ class Boundary:
sh = np.shape(t)
if (len(sh)> 2) or (sh[0] ==0) or (sh[1] == 0):
print 'Warning: Shape of expected 2D array:', sh
print('Warning: Shape of expected 2D array:', sh)
tlist = t.tolist()
sortt = []
indx = zip(*sorted([(val, i) for i,val in enumerate(tlist)]))[1]
indx = list(zip(*sorted([(val, i) for i,val in enumerate(tlist)])))[1]
indx = np.array(indx)
for i in indx:
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# cd_type: define the nature of pt2d grid points
import numpy as np
from reader.factory import GetFile
from .reader.factory import GetFile
import logging
# pylint: disable=E1101
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ def write_data_to_file(filename, variable_name, data):
if variable_name in three_dim_variables:
if len(count) == 3:
count += (1L, )
count += (1, )
ncid.variables[variable_name][:, :, :, :] = np.reshape(data, count)[:, :, :, :]
elif variable_name in two_dim_variables:
if len(count) == 2:
count += (1L, )
count += (1, )
elif len(count) == 1:
count += (1L, 1L, )
count += (1, 1, )
ncid.variables[variable_name][:, :, :] = np.reshape(data, count)[:, :, :]
elif variable_name == 'time_counter':
ncid.variables[variable_name][:] = data[:]
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class SourceTime:
return filter(None, dir_list)
return [_f for _f in dir_list if _f]
# Returns list of dicts of date/time info
# I assume there is only one date per file
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ Initialise with bdy t, u and v grid attributes (Grid.bdy_i)
and settings dictionary
from reader.factory import GetFile
from .reader.factory import GetFile
import numpy as np
import logging
from utils.nemo_bdy_lib import sub2ind
from utils.e3_to_depth import e3_to_depth
from .utils.nemo_bdy_lib import sub2ind
from .utils.e3_to_depth import e3_to_depth
# pylint: disable=E1101
# Query name
class Depth:
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Depth:
# Set u and v grid point depths
zshapes = {}
for p in self.zpoints.keys():
for p in list(self.zpoints.keys()):
zshapes[p] = self.zpoints[p].shape
wshapes = []
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Depth:
self.zpoints['v'][k,:] = 0.5 * (wrk1[v_ind] + wrk1[v_ind2])
self.zpoints['wv'][k,:] = 0.5 * (wrk2[v_ind] + wrk2[v_ind2])
for p in self.zpoints.keys():
for p in list(self.zpoints.keys()):
self.zpoints[p] = self.zpoints[p].reshape(zshapes[p])
self.logger.debug( 'Done loop, zpoints: %s ', self.zpoints['t'].shape)
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Coord:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.logger.debug( fname )
if not fname:
print 'need some error handling in here or is this redundant?' # TODO
print('need some error handling in here or is this redundant?') # TODO
# Enter define mode
self.ncid = Dataset(fname, 'w', clobber=True, format='NETCDF4')
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Used for development purposes to display the ncml editor dialog.
@author: Shirley Crompton, UK Science and Technology Facilities Council
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from gui import nemo_ncml_generator as ncml_generator
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from .gui import nemo_ncml_generator as ncml_generator
import logging
# Logging set to info
......@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Created on 7 Jan 2015
# pylint: disable=E1103
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from gui.nemo_bdy_input_window import InputWindow
import nemo_bdy_setup
from .gui.nemo_bdy_input_window import InputWindow
from . import nemo_bdy_setup
import sys, getopt
......@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ def main():
opts, dummy_args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:", ["help", "setup="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print "usage: pynemo_settings_editor -s <namelist.bdy> "
print("usage: pynemo_settings_editor -s <namelist.bdy> ")
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
print "usage: pynemo_settings_editor -s <namelist.bdy> "
print("usage: pynemo_settings_editor -s <namelist.bdy> ")
elif opt in ("-s", "--setup"):
setup_file = arg
python-tag = py27
\ No newline at end of file
python-tag = py38
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