Commit 755d4fdb authored by James Harle's avatar James Harle
Browse files

Add 'F' to flatten - was using the value 1 before. Not too sure why this

parent c766adb7
......@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ class Extract:
ind[p, :] = ind[p, dist_ind[p, :]]
if self.key_vec:
self.gcos = self.gcos.flatten(1)[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
self.gsin = self.gsin.flatten(1)[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
self.gcos = self.gcos.flatten('F')[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
self.gsin = self.gsin.flatten('F')[ind].reshape(ind.shape, order='F')
sc_ind = {}
sc_ind['ind'] = ind
......@@ -571,11 +571,11 @@ class Extract:
for dep in range(sc_z_len):
tmp_arr = [None, None]
# Consider squeezing
tmp_arr[0] = sc_array[0][0,dep,:,:].flatten(1) #[:,:,dep]
tmp_arr[0] = sc_array[0][0,dep,:,:].flatten('F') #[:,:,dep]
if not self.key_vec:
sc_bdy[vn, dep, :, :] = self._flat_ref(tmp_arr[0], ind)
tmp_arr[1] = sc_array[1][0,dep,:,:].flatten(1) #[:,:,dep]
tmp_arr[1] = sc_array[1][0,dep,:,:].flatten('F') #[:,:,dep]
# Include in the collapse the rotation from the
# grid to real zonal direction, ie ij -> e
sc_bdy[vn, dep, :] = (tmp_arr[0][ind[:]] * self.gcos -
......@@ -669,11 +669,11 @@ class Extract:
# Apply 1-2-1 filter along bdy pts using NN ind self.id_121
if self.first:
tmp_valid = np.invert(np.isnan(
# Finished first run operations
self.first = False
dst_bdy = (np.nansum(dst_bdy.flatten(1)[self.id_121] *
dst_bdy = (np.nansum(dst_bdy.flatten('F')[self.id_121] *
self.tmp_filt, 2) / np.sum(self.tmp_filt *
tmp_valid, 2))
# Set land pts to zero
......@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ class Extract:
# If we have depth dimension
if not self.isslab:
# If all else fails fill down using deepest pt
dst_bdy = dst_bdy.flatten(1)
dst_bdy = dst_bdy.flatten('F')
dst_bdy += ((dst_bdy == 0) *
# Weighted averaged on new vertical grid
......@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ class Extract:
alpha -- input array
beta -- index array
return alpha.flatten(1)[beta.flatten(1)].reshape(
return alpha.flatten('F')[beta.flatten('F')].reshape(
beta.shape, order='F')
# Convert numeric date from source to dest
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ class Boundary:
bdy_i = np.transpose(bdy_i, (1, 2, 0))
bdy_i = np.reshape(bdy_i,
bdy_r = bdy_r.flatten(1)
bdy_r = bdy_r.flatten('F')
## Remove duplicate and open sea points ##
bdy_i, bdy_r = self._remove_duplicate_points(bdy_i, bdy_r)
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Depth:
wshapes = []
wrk1, wrk2 = wrk1.flatten(1), wrk2.flatten(1)
wrk1, wrk2 = wrk1.flatten('F'), wrk2.flatten('F')
self.zpoints['t'][k,:] = wrk1[t_ind]
self.zpoints['wt'][k,:] = wrk2[t_ind]
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