Commit c99779e3 authored by James Harle's avatar James Harle
Browse files

Bug fix to scale factors

parent 39e9e750
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class Depth:
v_ind = sub2ind(mbathy.shape, bdy_v[:,0], bdy_v[:,1])
v_ind2 = sub2ind(mbathy.shape, bdy_v[:,0], bdy_v[:,1] + 1)
[tmp_zt, tmp_zw] = e3_to_depth(np.squeeze(nc['e3t'][:,:,:,:]), np.squeeze(nc['e3w'][:,:,:,:]), nz)
# This is very slow
self.logger.debug( 'starting nc reads loop' )
for k in range(nz):
......@@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ class Depth:
# jelt: replace 'load gdep[wt] with load e3[tw] and compute gdep[tw]
#wrk1 = nc['gdept'][0,k,:,:]#nc.variables['gdept'][0,k,:,:]
#wrk2 = nc['gdepw'][0,k,:,:]#nc.variables['gdepw'][0,k,:,:]
[wrk1, wrk2] = e3_to_depth(nc['e3t'][0,k,:,:], nc['e3w'][0,k,:,:], nz)
#print 'e3t shape: ', nc['e3t_0'][:].shape
[wrk1, wrk2] = tmp_zt[k,:,:], tmp_zw[k,:,:]
# Replace deep levels that are not used with NaN
wrk2[mbathy + 1 < k + 1] = np.NaN
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