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This generates the NEMO Boundary. Creates indices for t, u and v points, plus rim gradient.
The variable names have been renamed to keep consistent with python standards and generalizing
the variable names eg. bdy_i is used instead of bdy_t
Ported from Matlab code by James Harle 
@author: John Kazimierz Farey
@author: Srikanth Nagella
# pylint: disable=E1103
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
#External Imports
import numpy as np
import logging

#Local Imports
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from .utils.nemo_bdy_lib import sub2ind
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class Boundary:
    # Bearings for overlays
    _NORTH = [1,-1,1,-1,2,None,1,-1]
    _SOUTH = [1,-1,1,-1,None,-2,1,-1]
    _EAST = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,2,None]
    _WEST = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,None,-2]
    def __init__(self, boundary_mask, settings, grid):
        """Generates the indices for NEMO Boundary and returns a Grid object with indices 
        Keyword arguments:
        boundary_mask -- boundary mask
        settings -- dictionary of setting values
        grid -- type of the grid 't', 'u', 'v'
        bdy_i -- index
        bdy_r -- r index 
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        bdy_msk = boundary_mask
        self.settings = settings
        rw = self.settings['rimwidth']
        rm = rw - 1
        self.grid_type = grid.lower()
        # Throw an error for wrong grid input type
        if grid not in ['t', 'u', 'v', 'f']:
            self.logger.error('Grid Type not correctly specified:'+grid)
            raise ValueError("""%s is invalid grid grid_type;  
                                must be 't', 'u', 'v' or 'f'""" %grid)

        # Configure grid grid_type
        if grid is not 't':
            # We need to copy this before changing, because the original will be 
            # needed in calculating later grid boundary types
            bdy_msk = boundary_mask.copy()
            grid_ind = np.zeros(bdy_msk.shape, dtype=np.bool, order='C')
            #NEMO works with a staggered 'C' grid. need to create a grid with staggered points
            for fval in [-1, 0]: #-1 mask value, 0 Land, 1 Water/Ocean
                if grid is 'u':
                    grid_ind[:, :-1] = np.logical_and(bdy_msk[:, :-1] == 1,
                                                      bdy_msk[:, 1:] == fval)
                    bdy_msk[grid_ind] = fval
                elif grid is 'v':
                    grid_ind[:-1, :] = np.logical_and(bdy_msk[:-1, :] == 1,
                                                      bdy_msk[1:, :] == fval)
                    bdy_msk[grid_ind] = fval
                elif grid is 'f':
                    grid_ind[:-1, :-1] = np.logical_and(bdy_msk[:-1,:-1] == 1,
                                                        bdy_msk[1:, 1:] == fval)
                    grid_ind[:-1, :] = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(bdy_msk[:-1, :] == 1,
                                                                    bdy_msk[1:, :] == fval), 
                                                     grid_ind[:-1, :] == 1)

                    grid_ind[:, :-1] = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(bdy_msk[:, :-1] == 1,
                                                                    bdy_msk[:, 1:] == fval), 
                                                     grid_ind[:, :-1] == 1)
                    bdy_msk[grid_ind] = fval

        # Create padded array for overlays
        msk = np.pad(bdy_msk,((1,1),(1,1)), 'constant', constant_values=(-1))
        # create index arrays of I and J coords
        igrid, jgrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(bdy_msk.shape[1]), np.arange(bdy_msk.shape[0]))

        SBi, SBj = self._find_bdy(igrid, jgrid, msk, self._SOUTH)
        NBi, NBj = self._find_bdy(igrid, jgrid, msk, self._NORTH)
        EBi, EBj = self._find_bdy(igrid, jgrid, msk, self._EAST)
        WBi, WBj = self._find_bdy(igrid, jgrid, msk, self._WEST)

        #create a 2D array index for the points that are on border
        tij = np.column_stack((np.concatenate((SBi, NBi, WBi, EBi)),np.concatenate((SBj, NBj, WBj, EBj))))
        bdy_i = np.tile(tij, (rw, 1, 1))
        bdy_i = np.transpose(bdy_i, (1, 2, 0))
        bdy_r = bdy_r = np.tile(np.arange(0,rw),(bdy_i.shape[0],1))

        # Add points for relaxation zone over rim width
        # In the relaxation zone with rim width. looking into the domain up to the rim width
        # and select the points. S head North (0,+1) N head South(0,-1) W head East (+1,0)
        # E head West (-1,0)
        temp = np.column_stack((np.concatenate((SBi*0, NBi*0, WBi*0+1, EBi*0-1)),
                                 np.concatenate((SBj*0+1, NBj*0-1, WBj*0, EBj*0))))
        for i in range(rm):
            bdy_i[:, :, i+1] = bdy_i[:, :, i] + temp

        bdy_i = np.transpose(bdy_i, (1, 2, 0))
        bdy_i = np.reshape(bdy_i, 
        bdy_r = bdy_r.flatten(1)

        ##   Remove duplicate and open sea points  ##
        bdy_i, bdy_r = self._remove_duplicate_points(bdy_i, bdy_r)
        bdy_i, bdy_r, nonmask_index = self._remove_landpoints_open_ocean(bdy_msk, bdy_i, bdy_r)
        ###   Fill in any gradients between relaxation zone and internal domain
        ###   bdy_msk matches matlabs incarnation, r_msk is pythonic 
        r_msk = bdy_msk.copy()
        r_msk[r_msk == 1] = rw
        r_msk = np.float16(r_msk)
        r_msk[r_msk < 1] = np.NaN
        r_msk[bdy_i[:,1],bdy_i[:,0]] = np.float16(bdy_r)
        r_msk_orig = r_msk.copy()
        r_msk_ref = r_msk[1:-1, 1:-1]

        self.logger.debug('Start r_msk bearings loop')
        #Removes the shape gradients by smoothing it out
        for i in range(rw-1):
            # Check each bearing
            for b in [self._SOUTH, self._NORTH, self._WEST, self._EAST]:
                r_msk,r_msk_ref = self._fill(r_msk, r_msk_ref, b)
        self.logger.debug('done loop')
        # update bdy_i and bdy_r
        new_ind = np.abs(r_msk - r_msk_orig) >  0
        # The transposing gets around the Fortran v C ordering thing.
        bdy_i_tmp = np.array([igrid.T[new_ind.T], jgrid.T[new_ind.T]])
        bdy_r_tmp = r_msk.T[new_ind.T]
        bdy_i = np.vstack((bdy_i_tmp.T, bdy_i))
        uniqind = self._unique_rows(bdy_i)
        bdy_i = bdy_i[uniqind, :]
        bdy_r = np.hstack((bdy_r_tmp, bdy_r))
        bdy_r = bdy_r[uniqind]
        # sort by rimwidth
        igrid = np.argsort(bdy_r, kind='mergesort')
        bdy_r = bdy_r[igrid]
        bdy_i = bdy_i[igrid, :]

        self.bdy_i = bdy_i
        self.bdy_r = bdy_r

        self.logger.debug( 'Final bdy_i: %s', self.bdy_i.shape)

    def _remove_duplicate_points(self, bdy_i, bdy_r):
        """ Removes the duplicate points in the bdy_i and return the bdy_i and bdy_r
        bdy_i -- bdy indexes
        bdy_r -- bdy rim values 
        bdy_i2 = np.transpose(bdy_i, (1, 0))
        uniqind = self._unique_rows(bdy_i2)

        bdy_i = bdy_i2[uniqind]
        bdy_r = bdy_r[uniqind]
        return bdy_i, bdy_r
    def _remove_landpoints_open_ocean(self, mask, bdy_i, bdy_r):
        """ Removes the land points and open ocean points """        
        unmask_index = mask[bdy_i[:,1],bdy_i[:,0]] != 0 
        bdy_i = bdy_i[unmask_index, :]
        bdy_r = bdy_r[unmask_index]
        return bdy_i, bdy_r, unmask_index        
    def _find_bdy(self, I, J, mask, brg):
        """Finds the border indexes by checking the change from ocean to land.
        Returns the i and j index array where the shift happens.
        Keyword arguments:
        I -- I x direction indexes
        J -- J y direction indexes
        mask -- mask data
        brg -- mask index range
        # subtract matrices to find boundaries, set to True
        m1 = mask[brg[0]:brg[1], brg[2]:brg[3]]
        m2 = mask[brg[4]:brg[5], brg[6]:brg[7]]
        overlay = np.subtract(m1,m2)
        # Create boolean array of bdy points in overlay
        bool_arr = overlay==2
        # index I or J to find bdies
        bdy_I = I[bool_arr]
        bdy_J = J[bool_arr]
        return bdy_I, bdy_J

    def _fill(self, mask, ref, brg):
        """  """
        tmp = mask[brg[4]:brg[5], brg[6]:brg[7]]
        ind = (ref - tmp) > 1
        ref[ind] = tmp[ind] + 1
        mask[brg[0]:brg[1], brg[2]:brg[3]] = ref

        return mask, ref

    def _unique_rows(self, t):
        """ This returns unique rows in the 2D array. 
        Returns indexes of unique rows in the input 2D array 
        t -- input 2D array
        sh = np.shape(t)
	if (len(sh)> 2) or (sh[0] ==0) or (sh[1] == 0):
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	    print('Warning: Shape of expected 2D array:', sh)
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215 216
        tlist = t.tolist()
        sortt = []
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        indx = list(zip(*sorted([(val, i) for i,val in enumerate(tlist)])))[1]
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        indx = np.array(indx)
        for i in indx:
        del tlist
        for i,x in enumerate(sortt):
            if x == sortt[i-1]:
                indx[i] = -1
        # all the rows are identical, set the first as the unique row
        if sortt[0] == sortt[-1]:
	    indx[0] = 0
        return indx[indx != -1]