Commit 1ca65ff7 authored by James Harle's avatar James Harle
Browse files

Tidying of the namelist.bdy file - start to insert default paths for

parent b0f9e28d
......@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@
! grid information
sn_src_hgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/' ! /grid/
sn_src_zgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
sn_dst_hgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
sn_dst_zgr = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
sn_src_msk = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
sn_bathy = '/Users/jdha/Data/nrct/benchmark/grid_C/'
sn_src_hgr = './benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
sn_src_zgr = './benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
sn_dst_hgr = './benchmark/grid_C/'
sn_dst_zgr = './benchmark/grid_C/'
sn_src_msk = './benchmark/grid_low_res_C/'
sn_bathy = './benchmark/grid_C/'
! I/O
sn_src_dir = 'src_data.ncml' ! src_files/'
sn_dst_dir = '/Users/jdha/Data/scratch/'
sn_src_dir = 'src_data.ncml' ! src_files/'
sn_dst_dir = './outputs'
sn_fn = 'NNA_R12' ! prefix for output files
nn_fv = -1e20 ! set fill value for output files
nn_src_time_adj = 0 ! src time adjustment
sn_dst_metainfo = 'EB bdy files produced by jdha from ORCA0083-N001 gloabl run provided by acc'
nn_src_time_adj = 0 ! src time adjustment
sn_dst_metainfo = 'Benchmarking Data'
! unstructured open boundaries
......@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
ln_coords_file = .true. ! =T : produce bdy coordinates files
cn_coords_file = '' ! name of bdy coordinates files (if ln_coords_file=.TRUE.)
ln_mask_file = .false. ! =T : read mask from file
cn_mask_file = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/scratch/' ! name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)
ln_dyn2d = .false. ! boundary conditions for barotropic fields
ln_dyn3d = .false. ! boundary conditions for baroclinic velocities
cn_mask_file = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)
ln_dyn2d = .false. ! boundary conditions for barotropic fields
ln_dyn3d = .false. ! boundary conditions for baroclinic velocities
ln_tra = .true. ! boundary conditions for T and S
ln_ice = .false. ! ice boundary condition
ln_ice = .false. ! ice boundary condition
nn_rimwidth = 9 ! width of the relaxation zone
! unstructured open boundaries tidal parameters
ln_tide = .false. ! =T : produce bdy tidal conditions
ln_tide = .false. ! =T : produce bdy tidal conditions
clname(1) = 'M2' ! constituent name
clname(2) = 'S2'
clname(3) = 'K2'
......@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@
nn_year_000 = 1979 ! year start
nn_year_end = 1979 ! year end
nn_month_000 = 11 ! month start (default = 1 is years>1)
nn_month_000 = 11 ! month start (default = 1 is years>1)
nn_month_end = 11 ! month end (default = 12 is years>1)
sn_dst_calendar = 'gregorian' ! output calendar format
nn_base_year = 1960 ! base year for time counter
sn_tide_grid = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
sn_tide_h = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
sn_tide_u = 'F:/NEMO_bdy_tools/bdy_matlab/bdy_matlab/tmd/DATA/'
sn_tide_grid = './inputs/tide/'
sn_tide_h = './inputs/tide/'
sn_tide_u = './inputs/tide/'
! Additional parameters
......@@ -95,5 +95,5 @@
nn_alpha = 0 ! Euler rotation angle
nn_beta = 0 ! Euler rotation angle
nn_gamma = 0 ! Euler rotation angle
rn_mask_max_depth = 100.0 ! Maximum depth to be ignored for the mask
rn_mask_shelfbreak_dist = 20000.0 ! Distance from the shelf break
rn_mask_max_depth = 100.0 ! Maximum depth to be ignored for the mask
rn_mask_shelfbreak_dist = 20000.0 ! Distance from the shelf break
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