conf_script_dy113 2.25 KB
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#!/bin/csh -f

####### names and directories #######

set mexecloc = '/local/users/pstar/programs' #this is the directory containing general_sw plus mexec and mexec_processing_scripts repositories
set cruiseloc = '/local/users/pstar' #this is the directory where your cruise processing directores live

set cruise = 'dy113'
set CRUISE = 'DY113'

####### now actually set things up #######
#shouldn't need to change anything below this

if (! -e $cruiseloc/$cruise/mcruise/data) then
  mkdir -p $cruiseloc/$cruise/mcruise/data
mkdir -p $cruiseloc/$cruise/mcruise/sw/general_sw

#link to generic cruise directory
#this is just so that you can have $cruiseloc/cruise/data/mexec_processing_scripts on your matlab path in ~/matlab/startup.m and be ready to run m_setup.m for the current cruise
if (-e $cruiseloc/cruise) then
  /bin/rm $cruiseloc/cruise
cd $cruiseloc
ln -s $cruise/mcruise cruise

#make links to software and scripts
cd $cruise/mcruise/data
ln -s $mexecloc/mexec_processing_scripts mexec_processing_scripts
cd ../sw
ln -s $mexecloc/mexec mexec
cd general_sw
foreach d1 (`ls $mexecloc/general_sw`)
  ln -s $mexecloc/general_sw/$d1 $d1
cd ../..

echo "edit linkscripts and possibly other files in mexec-exec"
echo "edit m_setup.m to change data time origin, cruise name"
echo "and possibly some paths e.g. versions of external software packages"

#set up rest of data directory structure
cd data
mkdir -p mexec_housekeeping/version
mkdir mexec_housekeeping/history
mkdir -p collected_files/figures
mkdir -p ctd/RAW_CTD_FILES
mkdir ctd/ASCII_FILES
mkdir ctd/BOTTLE_OXY
mkdir ctd/BOTTLE_SAL
mkdir ctd/BOTTLE_SHORE
mkdir ctd/WINCH
mkdir -p ladcp/ctd
mkdir -p ladcp/ix/checkpoints
mkdir ladcp/ix/raw
mkdir ladcp/ix/DL_GPS
mkdir ladcp/ix/DL_GPS_BT
mkdir ladcp/ix/DL_GPS_BT_SADCP
mkdir ladcp/rawdata
mkdir plots
mkdir station_depths
mkdir -p vmadcp/mproc
mkdir -p vmadcp/postprocessing
mkdir -p vmadcp/atsea
mkdir -p vmadcp/spprocessing
mkdir -p techsas/netcdf_files_links
cd techsas
ln -s /local/users/pstar/mounts/techsas netcdf_files_rawdir_ship
ln -s netcdf_files_rawdir_ship netcdf_files_rawdir
mkdir netcdf_files_rawdir_local
mkdir techsas_link_logs
cd ..
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ln -s /local/users/pstar/mounts/public public
#other directories (for processed underway data) are generated by running m_setup